
Friday, August 15, 2008

Farewell Friday

This past week we had to say good bye to another of our blogging buddies. Felix we will miss you. See you at The Bridge.
A lovely lily for you for flower Friday.
I think we are going to have a quiet weekend.


  1. Sad day...sad week...very very sad month....
    We will always remember them!

  2. We have had a very sad week, and will miss Felix and Maxime also. We are going to have a quiet weekend too. (((hugs))) and purrs.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  3. A real horrible week. So much sad news.

    That was a beautiful tribute and a lovely lily.


    Goldie and Shade

  4. Yes, it's been a very sad week. We're holding off our posting about our new Blurpy Girl. It just didn't seem right to share our job while Monty's family is dealing with a tragedy.

  5. WOW what a beautiful flower! You mom is becoming an excellent nature photographer!

  6. It's been a sad week. Purrs....

  7. Such a hard week - we'll have a quiet weekend too, lots of purring to do.

    Pearl, Bert and Jake

  8. Beeyoutiful lily. Yes, it has been a very sad week.

    Luf, Us

  9. A quiet weekend sounds nice.

  10. I's ready fur a quiet weekend, too. Such a sad, hard week. It's nice to haf furiends like you at times like dis.

    Nobody's dopted Dad yet, but... The Dane County Humane Society is hafin a big kitty doption fair dis weekend wif ofur shelters bringin their kitties too an I fink my beans is goin. I's not sure I want to share my beans wif anofur kitty. An I sure don't wanna get whapped an growled an hissed at all the time!

    Hugs an purrs!

  11. That's a beautiful flower. {{{hugs}}} to you & your mom, Derby.

    P.S. I have those gum problems which the vet and mom are working on, thus the Oxyfresh. Sometimes she just sprays it in my mouth, though.


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