
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

View from my Window

This is me from the outside of the front window. When the weather is nice I can sit here and watch the world go by in the front of the house.
This is what I see, flowers, trees, the street, cars and other houses. I don't see any other kitties. But the picture above was taken through the screen exactly as I would see it.
Here is a clearer view, taken by mum standing outside and also on another day! I can see the pretty flowers, the green grass, the trees and check out they neighbors.

Plus thanks to Socks, Scylla & Charybdis for this award. I am humbled to received it. I think every cat in the Cat Blogosphere deserves this.
Please continue to purr for MontyQ's family. Our hearts are so heavy and our eyes have been leaking.


  1. Your view is most excellent Derby. We hold Monty's family in our prayers.

  2. You have a very beautiful view from your window!

  3. We love to sit in the front window and survey the world too!! There's always a sparrow nest every year close by and tons of those annoying cheeky squirrels.

  4. I love looking outside - what a nice view, Derby! Congrats on your award!

  5. Beautiful flowers and greenery! We remember last winter when it was all yucky white! We do like this view the bestest!

    Laila and Minchie

  6. What a great view, Derby. And I can see that the window is open, too!

  7. That looks like a nice view. Looks like you Mom has been putting some time in the yard with those pretty flowers.

  8. I like the view that you can see~!
    It's very beautiful~!!!!
    Mine is at a tall building,
    I only watch buses through the road.

  9. That's a lovely view you have Derby - or should I say "Darby"? I've listened to your Voki a few times and you do sound a bit English, including the pronunciation of your name! And of course your mom is "Mum"... (I know, you've explained this to me, but just saying...)!

    ConCATulations on your well-earned award!

    My eyes are still leaky over dear little Sprout too. Her family are in my thoughts. xxx

  10. You got a pretty good view!!! Lots of things to see!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  11. The Spice Cats love to sit by the door and look at the world outside too.

  12. Hi Derby!
    What a beautiful neighborhood! Lots of things to look at but where are the birdies?

  13. That's a great view - lots of things to keep you entertained!

  14. Sank yoo fur lightin candles wif meh. I will be doin dis all weekend long.


    I hope yoo join ins!

  15. You have quite the lovely yard. I think a view is better when you can smell and hear stuff too. When mommy opens the windows, it's like I can almost TASTE the birdies!

  16. You have a GREAT view, Derby. Ours isn't nearly as nice.

  17. Nice view, Derby! And you've been entrusted with an important job...guarding the neighborhood.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.