
Friday, November 7, 2008

Finally Friday

Well the election is over and I discovered who cast the ballot for Chey and me. It was Miss Tuxie! She must have slipped out at some point and voted early. She is also waiting to see if Mike ever makes up his mind about a girl friend. It has been so quiet in the house these past few days. No phone calls, very little mail. Just very peaceful, mum and me just snuggling, napping and stuff. Mum stayed up late election night to watch the returns and the final speeches. But she gets mad at the local picture box people who want to show the local stuff when mum wants to see the BIG picture. But happy it is over, she backed the winner and is ready to go for the next four years.

The other thing that has struck mum as we have made it around the Cat Blogosphere, I know our beans come from all walks of life, different levels of income, races, gender etc. But overall it seems we all wanted Mr O to win. That is amazing that so many groups of people came together to support him in his victory.

Mum has moved the campaign button down, but we won't totally delete it. I am proud to have been a part of this election. Chey and I may not have made a dent in the Mericky political scene, but we tried to bring our focus on the issues forward.

Mum is off to visit my shelter tomorrow. It is their annual sale of goodies, so it will be interesting to see what she brings home. Miss Tuxie came from the shelter sale. Also, the shelter now has enough money to start their expansion. Woohoo, lots more room for kitties and other creatures to come.

Plus mum did her part and bought a tribute brick for me. It gives my name and the date I was adopted. When they build the new part these bricks will be outside to show our support.

Happy weekend.


  1. You're right Derby the election results were amazing!
    I am glad your Mommy is supporting the shelter with a brick for you!

  2. lookit you loving your nip nanner!! WOO HOO!!

  3. Mom was struck by the Obama support throughout the cat blogosphere too. We never mentioned it but our house was for him too.
    We have never found one of those nip nanners yet. They seem to hold their nip scent a long time. Most of our toys are old before they come home.

  4. The election was amazing. What we are surprised at is how many people really supported Obama, however out in our local community although you always saw the signs, it seems like those who didn't are REALLY depressed. We keep wondering what they think he is going to do?!

  5. Our brand new, expanded no kill animal shelter is planning on opeing sometime this month! Momma says it is state of the art and can't wait for the open house.


  6. Oh cool, Derby. It's nice to know our shelter will have a brick in your name.

    Max & Misty

  7. We've been trying to convince Mommy to get us bricks at the shelter near us - we'll have to tell her that you're getting one!

  8. We were very happy to find for the most part we all supported the same candidate. Still, I looked forward to going to the White House with you and Chey.


  9. Yup. Even though we aren't from Mericky, we think it was a great result.

  10. That's nice your mum is supporting the shelter and honoring you! Enjoy your nip naner this weekend. That reminds me, I should go find mine....

  11. Happy Weekend to you & your mom also! That's so cool about you having a tribute brick at your shelter ...

  12. Hi Derby, I caught a mouse for you. We are working on the Dares. ~Scylla

  13. yes, our guy won too. i was kinda scary thinkin that the woman who said she could see russia from her house would be presydent if anythin' happened to that old guy

  14. Hooray Derby!!! America iz proud once more. We iz gonna makes her a shining star in da world.
    Oh, & you iz gonna be immortalized in a paver. DAt iz furry cool.

  15. Your mum is right, there was a lot of support for Senator Obama among cat bloggers. Don't be sad that you didn't get elected, Derby -- just like Hillary and McCain, you were up against a mighty tough opponent.

    Always great to hear good news about a shelter being able to help more homeless little ones... your mum can be proud for helping.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.