
Saturday, November 8, 2008


I blame mum for this. It is all her fault.

Blogoversary on Nov 3 missed. That was ManCat Monday. I know there was all of the excitement of the election, but really! This is an important day in my life. You can go back here and see my first post.

We didn't post my dare on Nov 7 either when Karl of The Cat Realm released us to share our dares that we entered into his last dare. What is my dare. Post a real picture of yourself and an intruder that you killed in your house. No photoshopping allowed. I can do it, no claws, you can do it too.
I will have to check out more of the dares and see if I can do some or all of them!

Mum was gone a lot today, she came home with bags from shopping but also bags filled with cookies. She had lunch with some furiends. Visited my shelter for their holiday sale, but only came home with a shirt.

I could smell faint traces of kittens, lots of kittens. Mum says they have lots and lots of them, way more than she wanted to count. But very few adult kitties. She even found two kittens in a cage together sleeping. But one was sleeping on the blankie, the other was snoozing in the litter box. Mum says the box was clean! She even saw a cutie that she almost wanted to bring home! Phew, thankfully for me she didn't bring him home. She said she was another smiley boy and a ginger tabbie.


  1. Happy Blogoversary, Derby. We are always amazed at how many impawtant things Mom forgets about!

    Excellent Hunting, buddy!

  2. U might like having a brother.

    ~S,S & C

    I caught a mousie and Mommy took a picture of me with it. Since so many of my cat friends had trouble seeing the mosuie I drew a circle around the mousie. But the circle is the only thing we added to the picture. And yes, the mousie does look like a leaf, but I promise it is a mousie. ~Scylla

  3. Happy 3rd Blogoversary to Derby and his mum. And hey, I can understand how your mum would be attracted to another ginger cat, but really there can be only one big boss cat at your house, and of course we know *that* job is taken.... :-)

  4. Happy Blogoversary Derby. How dare she forget it!
    We haven't killed any mousies indoors lately, (we don't think there are any left). Mum says she will look through our older photos for an indoor kill.

  5. Derby, how dare she forget your blogoversary? Well I've never had a blogoversary party because my human can never remember when she started blogging. Can you imagine? How rude.

    At any rate, I hope you enjoy your time. At least she remembered sooner rather than later.

  6. Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Derbs!

    I don't have any photos of any of my kills. Beanmom usually freaks cos they're all buggies!

  7. i know da feelin derb.
    mi mom fergot owr catster anniversary ... an missed da dare ... wich, by da way, i wooda had sumthin to show fer, too!
    yerz in "M'z"--jh

  8. oh yes ... happee blogoversary ... an good catch!!

  9. That's just wrong to forget such a special day!! Happy Blogoversary from us!

    Hugs & Purrs,
    Sammy, Festus & Emma

  10. Happy Blogoversary Derby! So, I am assuming you wish to remain an only child???

  11. Happy Belated Blogoversary to our good friend!!!!!

  12. Happy Blogoversary! Mine is in a week or so and I'm sure it will be forgotten by the Woman. Don't you just love that toy?? I adore it!!


  13. Happy blogoversary, Derby! My mom's always late with stuff, too, so I think you just have to roll with it.

    My mom says she saw a girl Derby today (yes, she was visiting cats this weekend, too)!

  14. Oh Derby, Happy Blogoversary to you!! You are very good at catching mousies! Wow, we are impressed.

  15. Happy Blogoversary, Derby.

    Another ginger tab? Your mum was probably worried about "double the gingers, double the fun."

  16. Happy belated Blogaversary to you Derby!

    And we loved your dare - only we have a habit of eating what we catch before Mommy can get a picture! But we sure will try!

  17. Nice looking mouse, Derby. And you did fine job dispatching him!

    You know, having a little kitten brother might not be such a bad idea. I can tell you it's very rewarding raising a kitten, having raised 3 myself.



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.