
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Day

It is the first Saturday in May, Derby Day for horsies. My day and a day to watch horsies run fast.
Lots of big purrs to all of The Sherwood Bunch. Everyone get better soonest.

About my big excitement with all of the trucks and water. No water entered my house other than by the pipes like it is supposed to. We alway had water but the water pressure was low for a while. Plus there was some air in the pipes that mum had to get out, but that just means running the water for a minute or two.


  1. I was thinking about you this morning!
    Happy Derby Day!

  2. Happy Derby Day Derby. Just a few more days 'til your official gotcha day, but we always think of you on Derby Day.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  3. Happy Derby Day!! We get nervous watching those horsies run so fast!

  4. Happy Derby Day my sweetheart!

  5. Well I am glad that things are better now! Have a great Derby Day!!!!

    And we are purring for our friends too.

  6. It's so cool you get a whole day named for you! Derby Day!

    You'd think there would be a Max Day or a Psychokitty Day, but no...people are just jealous of my awesomeness ;)

  7. Oh how cool to have a day named after you. You are a special cat.

    Hugs GJ

  8. Happy Derby Day, Derby!!!!!
    We always think of you when this season rolls around! What a cool event to be named after!!

  9. Happy Derby Day, Derby! The Kentucky Derby doesn't get shown over here, but we had another famous horse race here today - the 2,000 Guineas. But we didn't watch it because mum and I (and Skinny) were out gardening and listening to the Chelsea football match on the radio (they won 3-1).

  10. Derby Day! How neat that you have a day named after you! Did your horsie win?

  11. Happy Derby Day, Derby... Gotcha Day only days away...

  12. Happy Derby day to you Derby, hope you get some treats and snuggles.

  13. Happy Derby Day, Derby! I hope you enjoyed watching the race.

  14. We hope you had a great Derby Day...we were thinking of you as we watched the race!!

  15. Back again Derby!
    How cool is it that the 50-to-one longshot won it all!!!

  16. Did you watch the Derby? This picture--you quite majestic!

    Noir in Texas


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