
Monday, May 4, 2009

ManCat Monday

He is proud of the lustre of his coat, and cannot endure that a hair of it shall lie the wrong way. - Jules Champfleury Yes it is Monday, again. Mum is tired as she spent her weekend chasing around with racy cars and was not around much. I on the other had kept careful watch at home at all times.

When mum got back we actually watched the Derby race. Mum wasn't really sure who might win, so she thought it was cool an outsider/longshot won. Shows that the little guy has a chance to win too.

But mum thinks that spring is really here. They had nice weather, she managed to get down to just wearing a t-shirt instead of a squillion layers to keep warm and dry. Plus she says she will have to get the grass eating monster out today once she come home from day hunting.


  1. That's a really nice blanket you are lying on, Derby. It must be Spring, if the grass eating monster has to come out.

  2. I also love your blanket. We are not so lucky with the weather it is raining and cold.

    Hugs GJ x

  3. Daddy used the grass eating monster last week and Mommy used the grass ripping thing (she says it's called an edger)to tame our grass. It was getting overgrown. ~S,S,C & F

  4. Derby, you are looking quite handsome in the sunshine!!!

    Love, All The Taylor CatSSS Women

  5. I like your blanket... I think it looks a little like you. What a fine weekend you had!

  6. We watched the Kentucky Derby, too! My Mommie and Daddie made mint juleps, and we watched all the pretty horses. It was an exciting victory for Mine That Bird!

  7. You're really enjoying that sunbeam, Derby!

  8. It was a pretty fine weekend all in all around here too.

  9. When Mommie and I watched the Kentucky Derby, all I could think about was you, Wisconsin Derby.

  10. Looks like the perfect spot for some good zzzzzzzzz's.

  11. We are glad the good weather is with you Derby. We have had drizzly rain fer 4 DAYS inna row!

    Neat blankie...

  12. That is a wonderful blanket you are sitting on. We really like it. If the Grass eating monster comes out, then yes, it is probably spring. We hope you get your windows open lots now.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  13. Oooo... our moms are tired after bringing Abel out for a doggie one-day trip too! We are annoyed she did not spend time with us instead!

    Spice Cats

  14. And it looks like you are enjoying the warmth from that lamp!

  15. Hey I hear you have a gotcha day! We're the party. I have a ham!


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