
Monday, July 6, 2009

Ham Emergency!!!

There is a big place around us that processes ham, bacon etc. It caught on fire Sunday evening, it has burned all day today.

So I hopes we don't have a ham shortage! I might faint away.
Update 7/7: The fire is not totally out yet, maybe tomorrow, they hope. This place is like 20 miles from our house, so no I couldn't smell anything. Plus the wind was blowing the smell, smoke and all away from us.

Mum says anything inside that building would probably make us sick if we ate it. So no, we don't want to teleport over to check it out. Plus we might get squirted by the big fire hoses.


  1. Oh no! I shall have to keep my eye out. I hope that the price of ham does not sky rocket!

  2. Oh that is terrible news! Hopefully you can get some hams imported!

  3. If the ham is well-done, perhaps they'll give it away free. You might want to pack a bag and head over to their parking lot so you'll be first in line.

  4. Sounds like a big ol' barbeque party to me! I'm headin' over. Don't want any of it to go to waste.

  5. Prediction: introduction to market of pre-cooked ham, bacon and sausage... talk about making lemons out of burnt pork... :-0

  6. Oh, that would be awful!!! Nice to meet you.

  7. Oh, dear, I do hope that there is not a ham shortage. The smell must be driving you crazy.

  8. Holy cat! I hope they still send ham to Australia.

    Huffle Mawson

  9. Wow! That is absolutely horrible! I sure hope your mom can find something suitable at the store as a substitute!

  10. A ham shortage? OMC! That would be a disaster.

  11. Gasp! That idea is even scarier than the fireworks from Saturday! I hope they are flying in fresh ham to your area right now.

  12. We were thinking it must have smelled pretty good (at least at first). We hope this doesn't lead to a ham shortage as we looove ham. We haven't had bacon tho because Mom doesn't like it.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  13. YOW! Tragedy strikes!
    We're gonna stock up now, while we have the chance!

  14. Oh the humanity!

    (But wouldn't it be twice-smoked now and OK to eat?)

  15. This is awful news. I coudn't imagine a world without HAM!!!

  16. Derby, we did a post with our Greenies today. Well I did, Eric saw the flashy box and got a sulky on.
    Thanks from Flynn
    (and Eric who managed to stop sulking long enough to eat some.)

  17. *gasp* a ham shortage??? That must be furry worrying!

    Do you need me to send you some? I'm pretty sure our ham supply won't be affected!

  18. Wow Derby I heard about this on the radio news this morning on the way in - I didn't realize how close you guys must be to where I am - I am only like 2 hours south of the meat plant. It was a bad day for meat products today because Oscar Mayer died today too. My kitties like their turkey lunch meat so they will be sad when I tell them.

  19. Very terrible news. We hope there won't be any ham shortages.


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