
Monday, July 6, 2009

ManCat Monday

Cats as a class, have never completely got over the snootiness caused by that fact that in Ancient Egypt they were worshipped as gods. - P G Wodehouse

Yeah, worshipped! I can only wish.

Nice weekend, just a little of snap, crackle, boomers here. So nothing to be really scared about but I don't mind the noise too much as long as it isn't close or really loud. Plus they usually quit about 11 PM so mum could go to sleep!

Mum did some cooking outside, chilled. Did some re-arranging of stuff on the patio for the fevver food, so now there is less stuff sitting around outside. Mum is mad at the squirrels they were digging in PHE and her Christmas cactus again. Plus we saw Mr Hawk on Friday. He caught a little something, fevver? chipmonk? and took off to sit on the neighbors fence, then up into the tree. We hadn't seen Mr Hawk at all for a couple of months. Maybe he now has a family to feed.

Mum took Grampie to a purrade yesterday for Indy-pen-dense Day. It was at the church he goes to and it is a really old church so they have been having this purrade for ages and ages. The church is the first of its denomination founded in Whiskerconsin. The preachers carry the flags, both the US flag and the church flag.
A big om-pah band for music.
Fire trucks new, old, different colors and all.
Lots of kids riding and tossing candy to the crowd.
Old cars.
Horsies being ridden.
Horsies being led.
As mum and Grampie sat listening to the music after the purrade, they were near this woofie. Mum said he looked so nice and was furry well behaved. No barking, jumping, begging for foods. Just sitting nice with his beans. That is a good dog according to mum.
I hope that all of you had a good weekend too.


  1. We had more thunderboomies than firecrackers around here. I'm glad you didn't have too much noise. The parade looks great and that is a very good woofie. Maybe you can talk Mr. Hawk into eating the squirrels that are digging around your Mom's plants.

  2. Glad that you didn't have much noise, we had thunder. Happy late 4th of July to you.

  3. We are glad the booms don't bother you much. We don't mind the noise either, but Camie hates it. She shakes and pants. The parade looks like it was a nice one.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  4. Heh heh cool photos. My oh my, that does sound like a well behaved poochie. Although I still think cats are generally better though ;-)

  5. Wow! Look at all those horsies by you.

  6. We had lots of stuff going off around here, even though it's illegal. I thought the Woman should call the cops, but she LIKES the booming things. Clearly, my person is defective.

  7. We had thunderboomies and fireworks around here. So, Hope and I stayed under the bed and mom turned the TV up so we wouldn't be scared. Tommy pretended to be brave and sat looking out the window and the flashes of lightning and big booms and flashes of fireworks.

    Looks like a very nice parade!

  8. That looked like a fun parade! Too bad your mum didn't take you!

  9. no boomies here- and no parade eifur. our town stinks

  10. Glad you had a good weekend without too many boomies!

  11. I was napping in the closet during the fireworks.

  12. He is a furry good doggie! Mom wishes her doggies were that good!


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