
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Best Plan of Mum

Well, mum's day didn't quite work out for her. She took Grampie for his test, mum doesn't know if he passed or not, the radiator doctor guy has to 'interept' it. They will send results to his plumbing doctor.

But then Grampie felt all dizzy so they went to see another doctor, who thinks he has a virus in his inner ear. But they could rule out stroke, brain tumor etc. So they gave him some pills for motion sickness and when mum talked to him a bit ago he was doing OK.

The Wizard mum was going to see was Harry P! She hadn't had time to go see that movie yet. Mum says maybe next weekend, she goes to the matinee since it is a little less costly. Maybe if she waits a few more weeks it will be at the budget theater, but that isn't close.

Otherwise she got all of her other stuff done that she wanted to do yesterday. Finished reading her book, shopped for foods for us, got her toes repainted.
We are having rain and a few boomies too. The boomies didn't bother me as much as the pelting rain. I rain behind the couch and mum came to look for me and didn't see me. So she peaked UNDER the couch. She now knows that I can get under the couch, which is a tight squeeze to get under! She said I was OK, not to worry she wouldn't let the storm get me. Mum is happy, we need rain, our grass looks all brown in places.


  1. I wish I could get under my couch. That's a great hidey spot.

  2. What a great hiding spot you found! I hope your Grampie passed his test! Look! The word verification is catst

  3. We hope your grampie's test is OK and that he doesn't get dizzy again!

  4. I am hoping the best for your Grampie.

  5. We hope he passes that est and gets to feeling better and not dizzy.

  6. I haven't been to see Harry Potter yet, either, and I probably won't see it until it comes out on DVD. I just don't get to the movies at all any more. I hope that your Grampie passed his test and that the pills help him not feel dizzy any more. You found a really good hiding place from the rain.

  7. We don't like the boomies very much.

    And we will keep purrrraying for your Grampie.

  8. great hiding spot!

    we hopes your grampies tests come out ok!

  9. We don't like the boomies or the rain. We hope your grampie passed his test!

  10. We are purring that your Grampie's test comes back ok. We're getting lots of rain here today, too.

  11. I hope your grampies tests come out good - and I hope that the medicine gets rid of his dizzyness. And it sounds like you found a great spot to hide from the rain - but I am sure your mom will protect you!

  12. Best fishes to Grampie!
    We've been trying to help mom finish books too, sitting by her while she reads.

  13. #! says the Harry P movie is excellent!

    We hope your Grampie is doing better.

  14. Doood I have my paws crossed that your grampies passed the test. Sometimes those stabby people can be slow. You'd think with all the caffeine they drink (the Man can testify to this) that they'd be a lot faster.

  15. We are purring for your Grampie to pass his test. We are getting rain every day and we are fed up with it.

  16. We're not big fans of boomies here either. But it's an excuse for everyone to snuggle up together and we like that!

  17. Purrs for grampie, hope he gets well soon.

  18. Thank you for your well-wishes! We had a very safe trip to our new home in Florida:)

  19. My mom likes the boomies, and I guess I do, too. It means I can spend time inside with her. I sure hope your Grampie improves, Derby!

  20. Derby looks so cozy in that photo- and so cute! I'm so happy you got rain.

    Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.

    Would you add me to your blog list?

    Thank you,


  21. Mom has only one qweshun... how u gets ta be sooh purrtee and smart too?

    we hurd at Cheys u figgured out wherh Chey wz!


    Katie Too

    Ifns u hafs time,

    plez stops by and help poor Tiger Lily receive Justice.
    Hur little life wz snuffed out fur no reezon.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.