
Friday, August 28, 2009

Woohoo Friday

Happy Weekend every one! I first want to that each and every one of you for your purrs. Grampie passed all of his tests! Yay! They can't say exactly why his plumbing didn't want to work right a couple of weeks ago, but nothing bad like a tumor, mum says which would have been bad news.
I cellybrated by indulging in a little bit of nip.

Flower Friday

Here is one of the bunches of morning glories blooming yesterday. It was such a cool day that they stayed open all day. Mum took these about 6 PM!
Plus she noticed a flower along the bottom of the wall, the little plant was growing out of the crack in the sidewalk! Mum saw it a few weeks ago, but never figured it would bloom, it showed her, it did bloom.
Nothing much else going on, mum says we should have a quiet weekend.


  1. I am so happy that your Grampie passed all his tests. I hope that his plumbing decides to behave itself now. Nip is a good way to celebrate. Have a really nice quiet weekend.

  2. We really like that blue flower! And we're happy for your Grampie too.

  3. Woohoo! We're glad he passed. And those morning glories are super pretty.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Woohoo!! Happy dances here for Grampie. We're happy to hear the good news!

    Those flowers are very pretty, our Mommy likes those.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  5. We're so glad your grampie passed his tests! Whew!

    Very pretty flowers. Especially the little determined one.

  6. That is such good news that your grampie passed his tests! And your mom's flowers are beautiful!

  7. Dear Derby,

    I'm so happy for you, your mum and your grampie! That's such good news! Your purrrayers were answered.


  8. That's such good news, I think I shall join you if you don't mind.

  9. Yayyy!!! for your Grampie passing all his tests.

  10. DAts purrtee flowrz!

    Sooh glad dat Grampie didz good on hims tests! now ifns he kin get dat plumin sorted out.

    Katie Too

  11. Oh, great news for your Grampie! We are doing the happy cat dance.

    Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

  12. We're very happy your grampie passed all of his tests.

    Can't underestimate these morning glories. When we had them before, we thought a hard freeze got them. They opened nicely later in the day.

  13. Hurray fer Grampie!

    You are sure enjoyin that Nip! We do too. Even Iza likes it these days (took her long enough)...

  14. Drop by our bloggie and get the award we are giving you. It's a fun meme

    Moe, Mindy, Bono, Cookie & Mike


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.