
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dr Derby, Still on Call

Well, mum's sniffy, sneezies is now coughy, scratchy, squeekey voice. She sounds funny when she talks. It is getting better, she is sleeping more, but still not 100%. Drinking lots of orange stuff, morning and night.

My paws are full purring on her and making her go to beds on time. Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey said my video put their mum to sleeep, maybe I need mum to watch it a few more times.


  1. We hope your mom feels better soon...with Dr. Derby on the case, she's sure to!

  2. I am glad she is getting a bit better. We can purr for her too. There is a lot of this sickness going around.

  3. We're sending some of our very best purrrrs to your Mom so she'll get better!

  4. take care there derby's mummy

  5. Awwww, I hope she feels a lot better soon!

  6. Sending lots of healing purrs to your mom!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and celebrating my special day with me.
    Maggie May

  7. Good job, Dr Derby, you keep it up!

  8. Por mum I am sending her lots of healing purs.. Get well soon Derby's mum HUgs GJ xx

  9. Wow! I didn't know that your were a doctor kitty. I am so impressed, your mom is lucky to have you tending to her illness.
    Hope she will start to feel better soon!

  10. Wanted to thank you for mentioned me to CB, I went there today and saw the message. I have met several new friends already! This is going to be fun.

  11. We hope your mom gets better reall soon, we'll send some purrrrrrs for her!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  12. Thanks for checking in at our house and purring here too Derby! Gosh, we hope she is feeling her usual self pretty soon!

  13. We're glad you mum is feeling a little better, but we hope she's all better soon xxx

  14. We hope she is 100% soon - we're keeping our fingers and paws crossed for that!

  15. We are purring for your mum to feel better very soon. Keep up the good work Dr.Derby.

  16. Taking care of our beans is a very hard, but important job. Hope your mum is gets well soon.

  17. Dr. D, you're doing the right thing by doing all you can for your Mum. She's going to have to get well soon, though, because she's supposed to be taking care of you, and not the other way around! We'll send get-well vibes and purrayers her way...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.