
Monday, September 21, 2009

ManCat Monday with Movie

Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will casue the most inconvenience. - Pam Brown

We just like to be in the middle of it all, nothing more than that.

I have been busy this past week keeping track of mum. She has the sniffy, sneezies, hasn't been sleeping well at night. That means she is all tired and crabilated when she comes home from day hunting. Caturday she took two naps! Sunday, she didn't do much more than she absolutely had to.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Lost, the O line needs HELP! Mr Eighty Five on the opposing team had a pathetic attempt of a leap at Lambeau.

Brett and the Vikings - beat the Lions, I would certainly hopes so.

The Colts - Don't play until Monday

Movie on Monday

One thing that mum did work on yesterday was to start making some more movies of the stuff she has taken of me. So every couple of weeks I will share them with you.

Me sitting in the front window last weekend, warm, open windows, just enjoying the last bits of good summer weather. We is finally getting some rain now after three weeks of having no rain and really nice temperatures for this time of the year.


  1. That is a great movie, makes us feel all warm and snoozy.

    We hope your mum feels better soon!

  2. feel better Derby'sMom!

    great movie!!!!

  3. I don't know where you are located but it is absolutely raining its butt off here... A little bit of hail as well.... Anyways I hope you feel better...

  4. We hope your Momma feels better soon. What nice sun and breeze you have.

  5. I like that movie. Tell your Mommeh to feel better soon.

  6. We wishes we could send you our rain. ~S,S,C & F

  7. Would you like some refreshing winter-like air? And, we can teleport over some snow tomorrow morning.

    Enjoy your warm weather. Hope your mom's feeling better.

  8. Let us know how them Colts do on Monday. We count on your for all our Colt footgame reports!

    Tomorrow we are having a surprise party for Opus in Rome. Hope you can stop by our blog and join in on the fun!


  9. That's a nice gentle movie, Derby!
    Kind of made us sleepy too.

  10. What a sweet movie of you, Derby!

    We hope your mom feels better soon.

  11. Oh, how beautiful. I just wanna go find me a sunpatch..preferably in a windowsill.

  12. We feel nice and peaceful now after watching you. We hope your mum's sneezies are soon better.

  13. I loved hearing the crickets--Olivia even got close to one of the speakers hoping one would come out! What a peaceful movie. And you sure seemed to be enjoying the smells of summer, too!

    We hope your mum feels better soon.

  14. That was a very relaxing movie, Derby. Hope you mum gets rid of her cold.

  15. Thanks for stopping by so nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends. I liked the movie. Hope your mom is rested up and feeling good.

  16. Yay for the Colts!!!!!

    What do Aussie kitties know about American feetsball? Huh, I was in the cheer squad, remember?

    Hope your mom is better.

  17. We luff your video. Very calm and relaxed.

  18. That was a beautiful movie Derby! I could almost smell the fresh air.

  19. I hope your mom feels better soon! I won't comment on the feetsball since we root for teams that are mortal enemies (and your team beat mine last time). I guess I really don't mind who wins as long as it makes someone happy.

  20. We like sniffing the fall air too, and you look very dreamy in this movie--kinda romantic and a little melancholy for summer

  21. snoooooooooooooze that is a great movie. you're my favorite movie star!

    don't forget, the Bengals won and the Steelers lost! i don't think we'll be able to say that next monday...

  22. PS we hope your mommy feels better soon. purrrrrrs

  23. Then sit in the middle of the room to decide where ta go later... Snooz the Mom...

  24. That was a very relaxing movie, Derby. Mom almost got lulled to sleep! Can you come over in the middle of the night and help her back to sleep? All we can seem to do iz wake her up! hahahaha!


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