
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meow Like a Pirate Day & Catwalk Caturday

Hi Matey's! Pirate Dread Vane here. Today has been declared it 'Meow Like a Pirate Day'. So I am! I have put on my pirate eye patch and done my nice deep meowrrrr.

Dread Pirate Vane

Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
So you better join in, or you will be walking the plank from the Good Ship Sassycat! Now it is time to hoist a few brews and toast the pirate brigade. Arrrgh, Mateys's.

Now Misha, is also having Catwalk Caturday, wants us to post something of the following:

"Do a fashionable post to be in to win. You can dress up in an outfit or go au natural and show off your gorgeous furs. We’re looking for the fiercest pose and best cattitude!"

I will go my my classic pose, of a classic cat sitting in a window. Just a handsome mancat.


  1. I totally forgot about Meow Like a Pirate Day. I guess it's not too late, but I have nothing prepared. I like your classic mancat pose.

  2. When you got it, you got it. You look fabulous!

  3. That is an awesome pose! Full of win!

  4. ARR! This be bein' a great pirate post!

  5. Arrrr...our wench Zoey is walkin' the catwalk t'day!

    Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!

  6. I'm glad I got my comuter running just in time to see all of this.

  7. Avast ye Matey! I am waiting for just one cat to start meowing with a pirate accent. We're doing a fine job of talking but not so much arrgmeowing.

  8. Garrr that be a mighty fine eyepatch ye be wearing. We be off for lootin and plunderin but first a mug or two of grog to get us on our way. Arrr

  9. You are a fine figure of a cat Derby!!
    Thank you, dear friend, for all the nice words & purrs you left for our dad and his surgery this week at our blog!

  10. Arrrrrrr! Love the eyepatch, Derby, or should I say Dread Pirate Vane?? The classic cat pose is also very very handsome.

  11. Dood! You are fierce, Derby!

    Stop by an' leave me a comment today 'cuz Eukanuba has given us five vouchers good for a free 4-pound bag of cat food an' you could win!


  12. Meowrrrrr to you! I am NOT in either of these events, :sigh:

  13. Wow... I just found this blog and really enjoyed reading some of your last post. I look forward to reading some more..Very nice job on your blog.

  14. China Cat & meself had too much o' th' catnip rum las' Saturday so we be still visitin' all th' pirates! Quite th' fancy eye patch ye have there!

    Piratey purrrrrrs, Willow

    BTW, China Cat must be related to you - her pirate name was Iron Charity Vane! The Vane Pirates must have been ginger tabbies!

  15. Wow pirate day and catwalk day - you sure were busy! I love all the pictures but I think you make a very wonderful pirate!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.