
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New HollyDay

I would have never believed it but I am the cause of a new hollyday for the Cat Blogoshpere. Well mainly because I don't belived in No Cats Day, but Mo Cats Day. KC amnnouced it earlier today at the CB.
So some silly bean didn't want cats on his innerwebs, well now he will have them all over the places. Every day, but specially on Sept 9, every year, from here to eternity. Hey, that is a cool movie title.

Mucho thanks to Zoolatry for the graphics as ususal.

The top on and this one is post size.

Here are some sidebar sized ones!


  1. Derby,
    the bean that thoughta no cats day is sure in for a surprise!


  2. Oh, good, another HollyDay. Thanks for the graphics, Derby.

  3. I think that is a fine idea to have a Mo Cats--so we can get even more cats blogging!

  4. That is just so cool! You is gonna be famous all over the world!☺

  5. Derby, you're famous!
    We will put one of the badges in our sidebar. Silly Bean, what was he thinking?

  6. :applauding:: Yeaa!!! We LUFF that holiday!

  7. We cannot wait for the first Mo Cat Day!

  8. I love the idea of "Mo Cats" day! Great idear!

  9. Wow that is so awesome! And those are great graphics! I wonder if I can think up a good holiday to start.

  10. Haha! Way to go, Derb. You showed them!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  11. Derby, that bean was a big stoopid hed. We showed him didn't we! We like that graffik a lot. We will make sure efurry day is a cat day.

    Finny Buddy & Jazzy

  12. YOU ROCK DERBY!!!!!
    Thank you for all your purrs you sent for our dad! He's home!

  13. We bet the "No cats" Bein is feeling stoopid right now... MOL!

  14. Mommy heard about that on the news and told us about it. She actually found out after the fact.

    But what a meanine-head saying there should be a holiday for no cats on teh internets. grrrr

    We like your graphics and shall be putting one in our sidebar and linking it back to you!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.