
Monday, September 7, 2009

ManCat Monday - World Premier

Of all the 36 alternatives, the best is to run away - Chinese Proverb

A few weeks ago I told you mum bought some stuff to help out a bean at work with a brain tumor. Well I showed you the bread and soup mix, but here is the other thing she got!

Yep, a mini movie camera. She managed to get it for less than it would have cost her in a store, plus she outbid her boss by one green paper. He wasn't mad about it though.

So mum has taken some moving pictures of me and figured out, at least a little bit on how to make a movie.

I hope the movie works right, sometimes it wants to stop in the middle, don't know why.

So my World Movie Premier, which fits with our Ham Tour!

She was busy all weekend doing other stuff. Mainly painting our patio! She came home early from day hunting on Friday, they let them out early for the weekened. So she got busy, moved all of the chairs out and took a before picture.
Here it is before she stared, all splotchy and dirty looking
First coat of paint, you can really tell the difference!
First coat done on Friday evening.
Second coat done by Saturday afternoon.
Me, snoopervising from inside the big windows that go to the floor. I think she did an OK job.

Happy Monday Holiday to my fellow US kitties.Mum and I are just going to chillax' today and with Grampie over for a bit. She was busy enough with the painting, I guess I will agree to let her rest.


  1. Your Mom has been busy. I like your first video very much. Your Mom did a good job of painting the patio. I think you should let her relax now.

  2. Hi Derby,

    Tht ham looked delishus!

    We hope the bean at work gets better and will send purrs for good health.

  3. Is that a flip mino, or flip HD? I'm going to email you with a couple of questons, to see how you got such great quality!

  4. oops, I can't find your email address! :-) could you email me from my google profile please? :-)

  5. HAMS!!! We have an older (and not as good) version of that camera. My Mommeh love it because it is so easy to use. And I see your mom already knows how to edit and add effects to the movie! It was awesome!

  6. We enjoyed your first movie Derby. Your ham looked yummy.

  7. Derby, you deserved lots of ham for snoopervising your mom so well.

    I LOVED your first movie, and hope you make many more. You can show us around where you lives.

  8. Oh Derby, it was great seeing you in action WITH HAM!!!!

  9. Loved the video, especially the part about the ham. YUM! Your Mom is a very good painter.

  10. We thinks your Mom deserves a long rest after all that painting. Happy Labour Day! ~S,S,C & F

  11. Great movie, Derby! We felt like we were eating that ham along with you! Too bad they don't make movies with taste-vision!

  12. Bravo, Derby! You're a natural on camera. It's good to see you in moving pictures now, too.

  13. I made my mom turn up the sound so I could hear you nomming on the ham!

  14. Derby, it was so great seeing you in live action! Tell your mom she needs to take a ham break herself after all that work!

    Rocky & staff

  15. Yay on the video! Our Mommy figured out plain ol' video easily enough, but hasn't even tried with editing or special effects like credits. She's useless. *sigh*

    The patio looks great and you obviously did a good job snoopervising. We think it's okay to let her chill out with Grampie today. Y'all have fun!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  16. We are in awe of you, Derby. You're eating more ham at home --- after all you've eaten on the ham tour. Where did you put it?

  17. I am very interested in knowing more about your flip camera too! What model is it? Very fun video.

  18. Great Video Derby!! You are very photogenic in live video!! You Mom did a wonderful job of painting, too!! Have a restful Monday!

  19. How very kind of you to allow your person to rest! I hate allowing that.

  20. Mmmm... Ham! Isn't fresh paint a wonderful thing? Mom loves painting! ANd we love snoopervising her paint, especially Grayson, because he get to use his ladder!

    We do not know why, but our Word Verification is menace. We are sure it is only a coincidence.

  21. Mmmm... Ham! Isn't fresh paint a wonderful thing? Mom loves painting! And we love snoopervising her paint, especially Grayson - because he get to use his ladder!

    We do not know why, but our Word Verification is menace. We are sure it is only a coincidence.

  22. That's a very good first movie!! How neat to see you "live in person"!
    We heard your voice!!!!!

  23. Derby, they say a woman's work is never done...
    so, do let her rest a bit!

  24. Very good movie... Smokey and Sol just finished a small plate of ham as a treat for "The Werld Ham Tour".
    And the patio looks very nice.

  25. Derby, we are drooling watching you eat the BIG bowl of ham. Tell your mom the patio looks great.

    Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

  26. Hi Derby! We love your movie! Your Mum is good with the camera stuff! My Mum's new laptop has a camera on it but do you think she has figured out how to work it yet? NOPE!

  27. Yay! (clapclapclapclapclap) You looked great in your first feature film, Derby old friend.

  28. Dat was a grate moofie! Yoo is a star Derby! Woo hoo!
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  29. THAT'S a lot of ham! You sure have your mom trained well.

    Great little camera, isn't it? Mom loves hers.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.