
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank you

Mum and I thank you very much for your kind words on our first video. Mum will have to work through some more, or maybe just post the short snips that she gets of me!
As you can see the movie box is close by most of the time. She has stuff taken, but needs to edit stuff. She has an idea for the next movie, but needs time to work on it.

Mum also thanks you for saying her painting looks good. She tries hard, Grampie was impressed but she does get a bit messy when she does this. Here is a picture of her shirt, all those blue blotches are from this weekend. She blacked out the logo of her old company, she figured she could mess this shirt up, she doesn't work there anymore.
So on Monday mum and Grampie sat under the patio, me inside and we all just chilled. The most work mum did was to fix lunch and dinner.


  1. Ah, a day of rest and food. Was there ham?

  2. That sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!

  3. Your video was delightful, Derby!! Now I am all a drool!

    Purrs Goldie

  4. Chillaxin is good. Your mum deserved a rest after all her hard work.

  5. yes, she had definitely earned the right to put up her feets! And you are the purrrfect person to help her relax, Derby.

  6. That sounds like a really nice way to spend the holiday weekend.

  7. Sounds like you had a great Monday!

  8. We can't wait to see more Derby movies!!!

  9. We loved your video Derby!!!!!!!

    Have you been by to see our raffle quilt? We think you have but we aren't certain. If you haven't visited and seen it, you really should!

  10. i love your video! finally, a cool reality tv star. i'd watch you anyday derby.

    i'm glad you had a relaxing day. i can't think of a better way to follow all that hard work filming!


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