
Monday, September 28, 2009

ManCat Monday

Which is more beautiful: feline movement or feline stillness? - Elizabeth Hamilton

Why choose? We run and jump,
then we nap.
Oh behalf of Grampie I thank you for the purrthday wishes for him.Yes he look pretty good for an old guy, most people don't think he is as old as he is. Mum can only wish she looks that good at that age, if she gets to that age.

BTW, Grampie does not live with us, he is in a place that is just for seniors, an independent living place. They cook one meal a day for them, which they eat in a nice dining room. But you have to be good enough to do your other two meals, take care of yourself with getting dressed and such. He is only about 15 minutes away so close enough to get him over here or for mum to stop over there.

Feetball Report

The Pack - They Win

Brett the Viking - They win

This sets up a showdown next week Monday on Monday Night Feetsball.

The Colts - playing Sunday night, they is winning now. Mum doesn't think she will stay up for the end.

Mum is bummed, she was watching the PBS show on the parks and the feed just stopped a couple of times for several minutes.


  1. That sure is a cute napping photo!

  2. We 'specially like the second pic, with the paw. Is very cute!!!

  3. We don't think there is a need to choose, either!:)

    Happy birthday to your Grampie!

  4. Indeed--we are equally wonderful no matter what we do. I am quite glad that your Grampie was thrilled with his birthday wishes--though I can't see why he wouldn't be. Did he have any ham? Is there any leftover?

  5. I love the paw picure,,, Cute.. Hugs GJ xx

  6. We felines are beautiful whatever we do!

  7. We love the napping pictures (mama especially wants to give that paw a kiss!)

    We're in Wisconsin, too! Can we link to you?

  8. Derby those are cute photos of you - moving or still! That is too bad that your mom's show was cut off a couple times - that happens at my house a lot - drives me crazy!

  9. You look cute both ways Derby, playing or napping.

  10. Aw,'re cute playing and napping!

  11. Since you mentioned it right now, I'm going for the napping!

  12. Both are purrfect. Both are so much of what we do. Both are nature's art.

    As black paint is the combination of all colors (movement), and white is the absence of all color (stillness), we are both.

  13. Excellent action shot and non-action shot too ;)

  14. What a big paw you have Derby. Sticks right out there in the picture. So your Mom is watching the Parks on PBS too. So is mine. Mom is so thankful that the people who wanted to save beauty instead of taking advantage of it won out and made the National Parks. Happy Belated Birthday to Grampie.



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.