
Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's Tock-Tober

You know what this means, time to showcase your 'tocks for all the world to see.

So it is time to show your booty, bum, hiney, backside or what ever you want to call it. With or without your spot 13, bits or no bits. See if you can get your beans to get a good picture of you from that angle.

Plus on my purrthday is later this month, the 20th, mum has promised a special something. So be sure to drop by.


  1. Oh! Oh! You're right!! It's Tock-Tober!! Yea :)

  2. Tock-tober! We"ll need to get our up!

    Word verification is "dingsted". Hmmmm.....

  3. Yippee!! We love 'Tock-tober!! Our pictures are up!!
    Your TX furiends,

  4. This is a funny photo. Tocks, what an interesting name for the behind. Do you post Tocks photos every Thursday?
    What is happending on the 20th I can hardly wait to find out. The 20th is a long way off, oh the wait.

  5. I completely forgot it was TocTocber! You all know how you loves CHEY TOCKS!!!

  6. AH! So that is what Tock-Tober means!

  7. Hi Derbs!
    Tock-Tober is great!
    And to our mom: "Get out that camera and get busy!"

  8. Great Tocks Derby. Mom wants to get a good pic of Cleo's tocks as she calls Cleo her fuzzy butt. Hope she can get the picture while it's still tock-tober


  9. Peggy and the cats just sent me to your blog to get a better definition of what tock tober meant! LOL! I learned something new today thanks to you! I also am going to be one of your followers! You have an adorable blogsite!
    Darling kitties! I look forward to following your blog!
    Many purrs and meows!
    Linda :)

  10. Great Tocks Derby. We can't show ours cuz we are getting locked up in the morning. Mum may have a quick look to see if we have any old Tock pics.

  11. Tocktober must be our favourite month!

  12. I was wondering what a Tock was...thanks for clarifying. I will get right on photographing the crazy cats from that angle...I'm sure they will be most embarrassed!

  13. Woo Hoo Tocktober! Cute Overload is in on the idea too!

  14. We gotta get some pictures of our tocks!! We'll start working on that!

  15. We got a whole lotta tocks around here so we better get busy posting them. Maybe later this week?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.