
Monday, October 5, 2009

ManCat Monday

Velvety soft, yet full of claws - softness and sharpness exist side by side in this fascinating animal. - Author Unknown

Sort of like Sweet and Sour, Hot and Cold, we all have opposites. Normally mum is happy with me, but yesterday I did something, now she is not happy with me.

Yesterday she went to get Grampie for church, then I guess she took him out to lunch. We she gotted home she went out to use the grass eating monster. Well while she was outside, I decided to, ummmm, redecorate the house a little. Like George of The Crew and his art, make an artistic statement. Mum was not happy.
See I pushed the flower holding thingy down so I could have the nice ginger flowers on the floor with me. Well, it hit that silent, white cat the mum brought home a few months ago. I never cared for that kittie at all!
Well, the silent cat lost its head in this and mum decided that she didn't want to try to fix it. Plus she thought she had it in the one spot in the house I couldn't push it over. She didn't expect me to get at if from above!
So mum took the white kittie away and put everything back, then I pushed the ginger flowers down again.
I then retreated to the sleepy spot to get away from her!
Fine, you aren't happy! I am happy that the silent, white kittie is gone, and I show you my 'tocks!

Feetsball Report

The Colts - won on Sunday

Get ready for some Monday Night Feetsball. The Pack in a showdown with their former QB, Brett. I am sure that there will be shouting and swearing at the moving picture box by mum if things don't go well for The Pack. I will go find a quiet place to nap.


  1. Well... you ARE the sassy cat...

  2. Thank you fur explaining what a tock is. We feel a little silly now fur nefer knowing that we had tocks.

  3. Beans can be so annoying. Our Mom keeps sticking HER knick knacks in OUR prime sleeping spots and then she gets mad when we move them. ~S,S,C & F

  4. Wow. You were one busy kitteh. BTW, those are fine tocks, indeed.

  5. Oh, we get into all sorts of trouble is we go near anything breakable. You must have been in a lot of bother with your mum.

  6. Great work! Maybe soon you'll have your own HGTV show.

  7. Wow! That was quite sassy of you--taking off the head of that cat!

  8. You might be sassy, but you need to be careful that you don't hurt yourself on sharp objects! Mighty fine 'tocks!

    ~Whisker Tickles,
    Lizzie and Connor

  9. Great fun Derby!
    And we like how you pushed the flowers down again just to reinforce your point.
    Mom bought some Great Stuff today. Thanks for the recommendation.

  10. Derby I would not feel too badly about the now headless cat. Once Trixie jumped up onto a windowsill and broke Mom's most expensive vase. She wasn't a very happy Mom that day but was happy that Trixie didn't get cut up feets.

  11. Oh poor mum you broke her white cat.. It is kind of funny though.. Hugs GJ x

  12. Derby, I am surprised that your mom did not appreciate your efforts at redecorating!

  13. Derby I can't believe you knocked the flowers over not once but twice! I know the white kitty was just an accident because it was in the way, but the flowers - I am curious why you wanted them down so much!

  14. So you want to be surrounded by flowers. What's wrong with that?

  15. Why doesn't your mum appreciate your talents?

  16. Always show your tocks when you can. I am glad that you finaly got rid of that white kitty that you didn't like. Your mom should let you decorate too, after all you live in that house too.

  17. Your mom is usually so understanding of you. How could she not see the need for you to redecorate a bit? She probably won't be mad for long.

  18. Oh Derby, you have wide body 'Tocks just like Bob. Very nice.


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