
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Caturday Night

Mum has been trying to catch up with things today. Backed up magazine pile to go through, now cut down by half. Plus mum went out to eat with Miss Lynn tonight, but back home snuggled on the couch with me.
She says she will be heading off to the sleepy spot really soon, she says she has a mild 'bug' and her ear is popping like popping corn a lot the past couple of days. But it comes and goes.

Plus mum did not realize when she unpacked her prezzie the other night, that the basket, wasn't just a regular basket. She found a badge on the side saying it was from Peterboro, VT. Guess they make all sorts neato baskets there, so mum says we will need to keep this.

Plus I got my Secret Paws assignment. Mum and I are already plotting what to get my special little furiend. I am excited to be able to do this again this year. I will be sending mum shopping really soon. Stay tuned, it might be you!


  1. It sounds like it was a very good evening for you Derby. I like that basket. Can you fit in it?

  2. Ooh, a basket with a name is very special! It should get a pillow fer a kitty ta sit in...

  3. Oooo, we like the look of that basket!

  4. Can you fit in it?
    ps - Mommy loved you song about football. She is broken-hearted!

  5. That's a great basket! It would be even better if you fit in it!

  6. We like that basket. It looks like it needs a blankie in it.

  7. What a pawsome basket.....can you nap in it????

    Happy Sunday.

  8. How nice of your mama's company to give you a basket, Derby! Now you just need a blankie and a nip cigar and you're all set!

  9. That basket is lovely and I would have been it it already. I got my secret paws too and mum is going to go shopping. What fun.. Hugs GJ x

  10. That is a totally cool basket!
    We like the picture of you up by Mum!

  11. A very lovely basket - do you sit in it? FAZ

  12. Sorry to hear that your mom's ear is giving a little trouble. I think the idea of snuggling down early and going to bed is a good idea.
    That basket is really nice. Do you get to sleep in it?
    I too am a secret paw and know who I have now. This is a fun time of year. This is my first time doing it.
    I thought of you today watching the Colts game. Did your team play today and if so did they win?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.