
Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Prezzie

Mum got home and the guy in the long blue shorts left a box. Mum said she hadn't ordered anything and we weren't expecting anything from any kittie furiends. Mum recognized the return address, we got a box from them last year. It was from mum's company with a Thanksgiving basket.
Lots of paper, shredded paper too, which I wanted to munch on but mum said no, I might hurt my tummy if I eated it.
Here is all of the stuff, a bag of pancake mix. real Vermont maple syrup, razzberry jam (mum loves razzberries), and a little board and spreading knife.
Mum plunked all the stuff back into the basket for now. Thanks Mr Sal, CEO!


  1. Oh what a great gift. It would have been better if there were some temptations in there...

  2. OH how neat! I didn't know companies still did that! How nice, your mom must have a real nice employer!

  3. What a nice gift! Maybe my mom's employer will send her a box of nip toys? Maybe not. Sigh.

  4. My mama never got neat pressies from her work. Wait, one year she got a neat sweatshirt. Nice and warm and just with the company name, no silly sayings or anything to be embarrassed about. Appropriate for the snowy north, huh? Otherwise they gave out product samples or pens or stuff like that.
    Your mama is very lucky she got neat stuff.

  5. It is nice when a company pressie is good foodies to eat. Especially nice maple syrup! I guess they just put human presents in there, not remembering all the kitties at the holidays too........Do you think MUm should say something, or just let it be?

  6. That is a great basket from your Mom's work. I didn't know companies still did nice things like that.

  7. There is nothing more exciting to beans than to get a surprise in the mail. It is very exciting!!

  8. maple syrup? ohoh oh oh oh oh oh that is YUMMY

  9. Oooo, all kinds of yummies. I love razzberry jam too! So when's breakfast?
    ~Lisa Co9T

  10. We love pancakes with maple syrup! And a basket to play in too! What time should we be over?

  11. Did Mom at least give you the box to play in ...

  12. Thats a real nice surprise to get in the mail. Your muj must work for a lovely employer.. Hugs GJ x

  13. It doesnt sound like good kitty stuff, but we bet yer Mom will love it...

  14. WOW! Your mom has a real nice boss to do that for her! Maybe your box with all the catnip and toys will be sent next week? teeheehee!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That looks like a good present for a bean. Mommy says she loves razzberry jam. ~S,S,C & F

    I am so embarrassed. Mommy told me I had worried my friends sick as well as her, Daddy & the Boy Beans but I didn't believe her till I saw my face plastered everywhere. Do you know they had gigantic posters of me all up and down our road. I'll never live it down. ~Socks

    PS: Mommy forgot she was signed into the Civic Association site. Hope we didn't confuse you.

  17. Nice presents for your mom but nothing for you, hummmmm. At least she could have let you pley with the paper but I bet she is right in making sure you were safe not to eat any of it.

  18. Wowz grweat gifts all overz the plwace... Wishz maw bossz wus that grweat.


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