
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Comment-A-Thon Results

OK, mum has finally added it all up. I had 109 comments on my purrthday post on Oct 20 and 22 comments on the next day's post. I counted those too as PoppyQ said, she shouldn't be penalized for living in the future. Mum says that comes out to 65.5 green papers. Do they make half a green paper?

Now she said she would add in green papers for all of the tocks pictures. But then she had problems keeping track of them all. Plus do you just count the picture or how many tocks in the picture?

So mum made an executive decision and will be donating enough green papers so that my shelter, HAWS, can buy this!
A Show Shelter POP UP Double Mesh Door in earthy tan color found at for the MOBILE ADOPTION UNIT. Hey, if you can't get to the shelter, the shelter will come to you, or at least nearer to you.

Mum wrote out the paper checky thing and sent it off with a note how to use the green papers. She had talked to them to make sure this would work out for them.

Thanks to everyone who made a comment or posted a picture, we loves you for it and kitties at the shelter will love you for it too. Mum says she needs to go out and take pictures of the shelter as the building expansion is about done!


  1. Woo hoo! Congrats to you guys!

  2. Yay! That's so absolutely sweet of you and your mom Derby! Your an inspiration to all of us! I'm sure the shelter kitties are very excited for all the supplies and accessories they can get!

  3. That is very cool! What a generous idea.

  4. Yay, a prize for those homeless kitties. That is such a good idea! In fact, we have 3 of those sturdi shelters and they are very well made and mewmie even uses them in the car too. You can just spray them off with a garden hose and disinfect them easily. Good Gift!

  5. Congrats to you and your mom on a job well done! I know the shelter will certainly appreciate all of your great thinking, hard work, and the donations to them! WAY TO GO!

  6. That is a wonderful amount raised. Well done everyone!

  7. Wow! That was a ton of green papers for that shelter!! Good for you!!!!

  8. That's a cool present for the shelter! You are very thoughtful!

  9. That's wonderful, Derby! We're glad we could help!

  10. Thats a lot of green papers yur mum is a star.. Brilliant.. Hugs GJ x

  11. Wow that is so cool that your mom is doing that - and boy that is a lot of comments! That is a very cool shelter you are helping them get!

  12. That is a great shelter you and your mum got for the homeless kitties. Well done!

  13. Wow! What a cool thing to get for the shelter!!!

  14. Your mum is so nice for doing this, Derby!

  15. Your Mommy is an angel! Thank you on behalf of all the shelter kitties!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. that was nice of you and your mom. We're sure the kitties will enjoy it.

  18. Kudos to you and your mum for helping HAWS! We are glad to have been a small part of it.

  19. Wowwee! That is great news!!!

    Luf, Us

  20. Hope to see pictures of the shelter soon. It was nice of you to make such a great donation to them!
    Happy Friday to you and yours!
    ~ Noah

  21. Wow, that's great, Derby. The shelters need all the help they can get!

  22. This is a great donation to the shelter. You two rock!


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