
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

4th Blogoversary

It is my 4th blogoversary and I figured I would repost my firsted ever post. I got no comments, it took about a week before a few of the other kitties who were blogging stopped by. Since then I am on post #931 with nearly 82,ooo visitors. Wowie, 82,000 is more than twice the number of beans who live in our town!

Stop by tomorrow for the comment-a-thon results!

Hey, my human mum (hu-mum?) has left the computer on. Now is my chance to leave my message. I'm Derby, just your basic cat. But mum says I am one sassy cat.

I live with my mum in a lovely house with lots of windows. That way I can watch all of the birdies outside. My mum even puts special food out to bring them around for me to watch.

I just turned two a few weeks ago. My mum says that is like my being a teenager. She says I even have acne like a teenager. Whatever acne is, she even washes my chin for me. Doesn’t she know I can do this myself?


  1. I absolutely love your blog and sure all 82,000 visitors enjoyed your blog just as much as me..... Keep up the great work.

  2. 4 years?? Wow Derby!!! Congrats on such a wonderful blog and purrs for many more years blogging up a storm!!

    ~The Sumac Felines

  3. That is quite an accomplishment, Sassy Cat! And it's nice that your mewmie washes your's a hard place for us cats to reach really.

  4. Oh Derby! Happy Blogoversary! My 4th is next February!

  5. That's a very sweet first post, Derby. And you look so young! Happy blogoversary.

  6. Happy Blogoversary, Derby! I always check in to see what you are up to!

    Have a great day!

  7. Happy Blogoversary Derby!!! 4 years is a whole lotta bloggin'!

  8. Congratulations on 4 years Derby! Here's to another 4 years and another and another!

  9. Happy Blogoversary Derby. It was interesting to read your first ever post.

  10. Happy Blogoversary !!!
    What ya look at ?

  11. Happy Happy Blogoversary Derby!
    Our lives are richer for knowing you!

  12. Derby you were a cutie then and now! Congrats on your fourth blogoversary!!! YEAH!!

  13. Happy Blogoversary Derbs!!! You were one of owr ferst friends when we started blogging!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  14. Happy blogoversary! We hope we can reach four years!

    ~Whisker Tickles,
    Lizzie and Connor

  15. Wow Derby, 4 years is amazing!!! Congrats!


  16. Happy blogiversary, Derby old friend. These 4 years sure have gone by quickly!

  17. Happy Blogoversary, Derby! I'll bet you do not even have acne any more!

  18. Happy Blogoversary, Derby!

    Four years is a long time.

  19. Wow Derby we got back to visiting just in time to wish you a happy blogoversary! Wow - 4 years is a long time - I am very impressed! And 82,000 people - wow that is a lot. Congrats on being so popular!

    We hope you have a wonderful blogoversary!!

  20. Happy blogaversary.. I am glad I got to know you.. HUgs GJ xx

  21. Happy 4th Blogoversary, Derby. We are very happy to meet you and will be following you. And, of course, we would love it if you would visit us.


  22. Derby,

    Congratulations on 4 years of blogging and many more years of posts. I have enjoyed lurking here for years. I like your positive outlook on life.


  23. I meant "many more years of posts to come". I think I'm just a little click happy. :-)


  24. Happy 4th Blogoversary Derby!
    We celebrated 4 years this past August. It took awhile before we got any comments. But we are still kinda small. Our counter quit working so we don't really know how many visitors we've had. But Many Many Concats....4 years is nearly a squillion cat years!


  25. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY Derby dooood!!! I must admit, cat blogging got a lot more fun once you jumped into it. We're, like, old timers!

  26. Happy fourth Blogversary! Wow! that is a lot of typing and posting for your mom. That is so nice that she works for you. I am so glad that you are my friend and I am even happier that you are with a nice family. Congrats of four years!!

  27. Happy Blagoversary, Derby! I enjoy reading about your life. Thanks for sharing.

  28. That is awesome Derby! I didn't know your blogoversary is the same day as my birthday. More reasons to party.

    We are glad you started blogging so we could become friends!

    Congrats on four awesome years and all your visitors!

  29. Happy Blogoversary Derby. Congratulations on 4 great years!

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  30. Rats, we're horribly late. Happy belated Blogoversary to you, Derby. Four years is a very long time, how cool.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.