
Monday, November 2, 2009

ManCat Monday

The cat has always been associated with the moon. Like the moon it comes to life at night, escaping from humanity and wandering over housetops with its eyes beaming out through the darkness. - Patricia Dale-Green

Full moon tonight everycat, so prowl the house and keep your beans awake. They are probably all screwed up anyway with the time change. I hoped you remembered to find the hour in the clock this weekend.
I had a quiet weekend. Caturday mum shoped, cleaned and did stuff inside. When the sticky little people showed up after dinner, mum put me in the sleepy room for about 2 hours. The noisy door bell didn't ring much, mum said we only had 17 sticky things show up looking for treats!

We had a sunny Sunday so I spent lots of my time working on my furtan in the windows. Mum went outside to move the leaves around. We had windy days that brought lots of leaves down last week so mum moved them out to the street so they get taken away. Plus now I have a nice, clear view of the back yard, mum put all of the outside furniture away!

Feetsball report

The Pack and The Vikes - losted to #4 at Lambeau, the Pack did not look good, the QB spent too much time on his 'tocks, stoopid mistakes that gave the Vikes extra chances in the first half. Mum yelled at the moving picture box a couple of time early. But then she just watched and they did play better in the second half. Mum says the Pack needs consistancy, which they don't have. If they would play the whole game good, things would be different.

The Colts - Came back to win over SF, they were behind a lot of the game. The Colts are still unbeaten.

Happy November, we have a new month to work on. For my buddy Parker, we are telling all of you that it is Diabetes Month.


  1. We relaxed this weekend, our Bengals had their week off (gotta root for a cat LOL). I'm upset about that MN game too, that shouldn't have happened. But there's a lot of decent and even good teams that lack consistency this year. Even my Bengals.

  2. Derby, smoochies to you for putting the badge up!

  3. We spent most of the weekend watching dad clean up all the leaves...he's happy most of them have fallen off the trees now!

    We'll watch out for that full moon tonight!

  4. Yeahs we didn'ts haves too manys stickys things comes to our doors, my moms left the front doors open and the screen locked and she petteds me the whole time while I lays in my perchs because I don't like beings locked aways then I haves no control so it was an oks night

  5. The Mom bean is sick so we got lots of lap time. ~S,S,C & F

  6. You were lucky to get 17 kids. We got 3! OF course as I had to run upstairs every time the door bell rang, it probably wasn't a bad thing...

  7. We didn't do much this weekend, either. mama just slept all day Saturday, so we got our recommended daily dose of snuggles. :)

    ~Whisker Tickles,
    Lizzie and Connor

  8. That's quite a tanned belly you have you lick your furs off your tummy? Brighton does that cuz he's nervous sometimes.

  9. You got quite a tan there, you must get a lot of sunbathing in.. HUgs GJ xx

  10. Mom doesn't like that because of the lost hour we bother her for food even earlier in the morning than we used to in daylight savings time. Our stomachs don't know the difference!

  11. Hi there,

    how does one go about giving you an award for yournlog? It's super cool. We like them all. If you'd like an award please email (& submit your cat photos to)!!!!!!!!

    Oodles of Love,
    Founder & Keeper

  12. Well yoo know owr Dad wuz not too happy wif da Pack dis time eifur. He efun turned off da TV! Mom said he wuz nuffin better dan a fair wevver fan. Pfffffffff.
    We only gots six sticky kids fur halloweenie. We did not know how many we would get since it's owr ferst year here in da new howse.

  13. We want to go out and see the full moon but mum has shut us in tonight because last night it was raining and we kept going out our cat door and coming in wet and jumping on the bed with muddy feet .

  14. I worked on my furtan too, Derby. It was the perfect weekend for it.

  15. Great ManCat pic Derby. Mom wants to know if she can rub the belly??? Oh Yes, full moon tonight, Mom said she heard the phrase once said that all the crazies come out when the moon is full. Whatever that means. We didn't have many tricker treats, about for or five. Dad got kind of upset about a woman pushing her baby in a stroller asking for treats. No costumes. Oh well, takes all kinds.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.