
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fresh Air!

It is a beautious day today, sunny and warm! Very warm for this time of year. Mum opened up a few windows so we both could get lots of breaths with fresh air.

Mum did some work outside and cut down lots of plants that have frozen up and died. It took two car loads of stuff to the community compost to get rid of it all. She has more to do, but not much. She says that can wait for another day.

So now she has got to get all of the inside stuff done, the washing and drying is going in the dungeon. Plus she just got out the sucking monster too.


  1. yes the Woman was out the other day between rain storms cutting back plants... now I am inside by the fire. Enjoy your day!

  2. Wasn't it just the greatest day, Derby!! We all went out and enjoyed the warm sun.

  3. Enjoy your nice sunny day and fresh air. We helped mum dig up some plants yesterday.

  4. Isn't it great to have windows open for fresh air. We had ours open this morning, but then some strange cat came along and crawled up on the window sill and caused a big commotion (and did unspeakable things towards the inside of the window) and mombean saw him and closed the window. Life can be such a bummer at times!!!!!!

    Luckily the window got opened again after the trouble maker left the area......:)

  5. Sounds like a very productive day at your house!

  6. Yoo gots one great mum dare Derby! She duz efurrting! Who is better den her? I tinks she shud get Mum of da year for all she duz for yoo an around da howse.

  7. I hate the sucky monster. I prefer it if mum doesn't bother with the cleaning and plays with me instead.

  8. I can see that you were really sniffing that fresh air, Derby. Your Mom is really busy.

  9. I love fresh air too!

    I got a new baby born cousin this weekend!

  10. My Dad cleared lots of leaves yesterday with a little help from Mom - then they let me go out and explore the piles of leaves before they cleared them away completely. Hope you have more wonderful weather today as well.

  11. Hasn't the weather been gorgeous here? Our mama has windows open, too.

  12. Oh yeah! Cool weather means the deck door stays OPEN... Yay!

    An The Big Thing is out "doing stuff", and that is innerestin too.


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