
Monday, November 9, 2009

ManCat Monday

Experience is valuable in most human endeavors, but the problem of getting a cat down out of a tree is new every time it arises. - Francis Duffy

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It continued to be really nice weather wise, so continued open windows for me on Sunday. Plus mum let the sleepy room window open just a little bit all night long. I love it when she does that. I know that these days won't happen much again soon, so happy we have a couple of really nice days.
Mum brought Grampie over on Sunday afternoon. The watched some feetsball, then went outside to enjoy the day. Firsted Grampie held the ladder, then mum climbed up and went walking on the roof! Blowing leaves out of the rain gutters so that the rain, snow ice can drain out better in spring. Then mum dragged the chairs out so they could sit outside and enjoy the day. While they were out lots and lots of geeses kept flying over and making lots of noises. Mum says they were looking for a place to sleep for the night, probably in the corn fields that aren't too far away from us.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They, well, are...need a word that is isn't on the bad word list. Hmmm, pathetic should work! They lost, they look bad and the QB is sitting on his 'tocks and does not know when to throw the ball away! You can see how I reacted to the game. Just hide my head. Mum and Grampie watched but they both agree that the Pack needs help, specially the O line!

The Colts - continue to win and so far have won all 8 games they have played.

Brett and them Vikings took the week off.

The Bengals - Mr Hendrix's team, they keep doing well too!

Happy Week to all.


Mum's noisy box by the bed didn't go off this morning. I decided to NOT wake her up. When she did wake up, she wasn't upset. Seems she is taking the week off to stay home and play with me. And, well maybe do some other stuff too, but mostly just to hang with me. I have already mooched treats twice this morning.


  1. I am glad that you are having such great weather. It has been sunny here, too, but not warm enough for open windows.

  2. Glad that you had nice weather. It's been grey and rainy here :(

  3. it was a furry wonderful weekend here too, weather wise

  4. Sounds like a great weekend. Tell Mom to be careful on the roof! After years of Dad doing that here, Mom has finally managed to get him to use a gutter cleaning service. Our roof is very high up, though.

  5. That sounds like a great week for you! How fun. And a nice weekend too. My human is leaving to head out near you again (though not as near as last time). She has something called a seminar in Chicago... and it is not about Siamese... (I am not pleased.)

  6. What a pawsome week you will have with your Mum. We had a lotta rain over the weekend, but we enjoy the rain cuz then it keeps it cooler here so the air conditioner doesn't have to run....we hate listening to that thing!!!!!


  7. Yay fur extra Mum time and treats!!! We hadded one of owr windows open a tiny bit yesterday. It wuz nice.
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  8. What a lovely surprise to have mum time all week! Hope the weather stays good for you this week. Happy sniffing and snoozing!

  9. We still have open windows too! We love to chase the bugs that get in. Mama doesn't!

  10. You have your Mom for the week. What fun ...

  11. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, except for your pack's business. Such is feetsball...
    Just sniff the breeze and nap often.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  12. Cool, your Mom is home with you for the week. Our weather isn't nice it is windy and overcast because of TS/Hurricane Ida. We are hoping it goes away. ~S,S,C & F

  13. Nice weather, your mom home for the week just to play and snuggle ... sounds very perfect.

  14. We are lucky - we had the same weather! I think we must be fairly near each other because it is always kinda similar. We understand about not knowing what to say about a crummy feetsball team - I have heard that they are having the same problems down here.

  15. How great she'll be home all week with you!!!

  16. Have a fun time with your mum at home.It has been wet, cold and windy here. Mum put the big snuggly winterweight duvet on the bed today because she woke up cold the last two nights. She still keeps the little window in the bedroom open though.

  17. Lucky you, Derby, to have your mum home all week!! We hope you have fun and can mooch some more treats!

  18. I'm glad you had the opportunity to enjoy the weather, too. Weren't those smells great?!

  19. My hooman friend yells at the TeeVee when her team does bad. Oops.

  20. Good weather and a whole week of mum--what could be better?

  21. Yay for the Colts! Enjoy the fine weather while you can. Head my way when it gets bad. Summertime here soon!!!


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