
Monday, December 28, 2009

ManCat Monday

There are few things in life more heartwarming that to be welcomed by a cat - Tay Hohoff
Me welcoming mum home, telling her to hurry up and come give me belleh rubs! Hope every one had a nice Christmouse weekend. No day hunting and all. For those who where in snowy areas I hope you got shoveled out.

Mum and I didn't do much, she worked on her big fat book, we watched some birdies, cleaned stuff and of course watched feetsball.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Won and with the NY Giants losing have secured a wild card playoff spot. Yipee.

Brett and Them Vikings - Play Da Bears on Monday night, in the cold in Shy-town

The Colts - They losted to them Jets people so the unbeaten season is gone. The game wasn't on the moving picture box here, but the talking people said they didn't play the regular guys all game. Peyton was on the sidelines, but is still healthy and they have the top seed in the playoffs.


  1. I hope you and your mum had a good Christmas too Derby.

  2. Derby, I bet you had a very good Christmas. We did too!

  3. I hope you got fed right away. I hate to wait!

  4. I bet your mom loves that being her welcom home greeting! It sounds wonderful.

    Oh, and it was very nice of you to not put that Brett and the Vikings will be beating the Bears in Chicago - because seriously, I don't even know why we bother to show up anymore! Congrats on the Pack getting to the playoffs!

  5. I don't know how she could resist!!

  6. lets talk about the feetsball .. I am a avid watcher and I like to see piles of the big peoples I just don understand why the colts didnt play as usual .. none of the most important peoples played it was sad ... they lost and didnt have too such a shame

  7. We are glad you and your mum had a nice restful Chrismouse. We did too.

  8. I'm glad you had a good Christmas, Derby.

    It's funny that I demand some attention when momma gets home. Only I ask for head skritches.

  9. We ♥ to welcome momma home especially when she has been grocery shopping☺

  10. We had a great Christmas, too. Mama went visiting so we got to sleep as much as we wanted!

  11. Soooo, what's the name of the fat book? My mom is always reading books and she says the fatter the better. Tomes, she calls them!

  12. lets talk about the feetsball .. I am a avid watcher and I like to see piles of the big peoples I just don understand why the colts didnt play as usual .. none of the most important peoples played it was sad ... they lost and didnt have too such a shame


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