
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mum's Fat Book

Here is mum's fat book she is reading. It is a true story about a Mr Buffay, no mum says Buff -ett, not something we can eats.
This is how much she has left to read as of tonight, about 250 pages and it has to go back to the library no later than Monday. She already extended the due date the one time she is allowed. Mum prefers to read real stuff, non-fiction she calls it. Doesn't read much fiction, the stories to her are mostly boring. She read the first couple of chapters, if it doesn't grab her, she doesn't bother to finish.

Then mum says no more books, skinny or fat, she has to work on the baby blankie for the nephew's coming blurpy. Mum hasn't worked on it all this month, so she says she needs to 'get cracking'.

Happy New Year to all my buddies and their beans too.


  1. I think you should help her read it by sitting on it while she has it opened. That's what I would do!

  2. Doesn't she have enough snow already without reading another book about snowballs? Humans -- who can figure 'em out?

    Happy 2010 back to you, Derby, and to your human staff too.

  3. She might be reading day and night to finish it!!

    Happy New Year to you and your family, Derby!

  4. I like to chew the corners of books while they are being read. Quite the attention grabber!

    Happy New Year!

    Purrs Banshee

  5. Happy New Year to you!

  6. It looks like you will have to get your mum to sit down and finish off her book before it is too late. Happy New Year to both of you.

  7. That is one big book, it would take my mom forever to read it because as soon as she starts to read she gets sleepy then goes to get some zzzzzzs. I bet after the holidays your mom will get crackin on making the blurpy blanket. How much time does she have left to finish it?

    Wishing you and your family the best for the new year that is almost here!

  8. Ohhh my mom likes books too. But unlike your mom she is a fictioner. Just fun light stuff she says. But I always help by cuddling with her or reading along and sometimes when I do that she can read 500 pages in one sitting. You should help too so your mom can start that blanket

  9. Our mom loves a good book too!
    Happy New Year to you & mum.

  10. Mama reads lots of fiction books that thick, and we try to help by lying on the cover. We're very well-read over here at Chez Cat! Happy New Year!

  11. Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year.. With love GJ xx

  12. Wow Derby, that sure is a fat book that your Mum is reading! Our Momma likes to read too ... she needs to check out the library here at the Lake. We hope that you and your Mum have a very Happy New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2010!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too!

  13. Happy New Year Derby and mum. Hope your mum finishes that big book!

  14. Hi Derby!

    Happy Mew Year!

    merry purrs

  15. Happy New Years! Maybe you should sit on her lap until she finishes that book. Works for us!

  16. We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!

  17. MMMMM -- reading and making baby blankets are very honorable activities indeed.

    Happy New Year, Derby.

    love, Pearl

  18. Happy New Year Derby and mum. Hope your mum finishes that big book!


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