
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Bed Update

Mum caught me! She took the flashy box to bed with her the other night and caught me in the snuggle ring by the bed.
OK, mum you got your picture, now turn off the flashy box and lets get some sleeps. Not many more sleeps until Santy Paws get here for Christmouse.


  1. Derby, wouldn't you be more comfy on the bed with your mom?

  2. That's a furry cool bed, Derby!

    Merry Chrissymouse to you, furiend!

  3. You look like you have outgrown your snuggle ring, Derby!

  4. You look pretty comfy in your bed. I do so hate it when the Woman takes photos of me looking comfy.. it's so disturbing...

  5. Derby, you look pretty good in that bed! We can see why your mom wanted to get your picture!

  6. Mums can be very sneaky with the flashy box sometimes.

  7. Haahaahaa! My bro Tommy tries to sleep in a similar tiny bed. He says it's very comfy...kind of like being hugged while he naps.

    Merry Christmas Derby and your mom.

  8. You look very comfy there, Derby. We don't have little beds here. We have a big one that we let mama use.

  9. we wish you very happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
    the cat realm

  10. Kenzie and I think your bed looks comfy! Kenzie has a bed that she is too big for, but fits herself in it just fine! :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Fabulous New Year too!
    Linda :)

  11. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Everything your heart desires is what we wish for you. Everything you need is what we hope is provided.

    After that all that, the only thing left is love, and we have that for you in abundance.

    Magoo, Bella, Dolce, Baci, Smudge and Chloe

  12. Mums can be very sneaky with the flashy box sometimes.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.