
Monday, December 21, 2009

ManCat Monday

In his castle He is King And I his vassal - Mildred R Howland

Yep, mum is my slave, or vassal as this lady put it. Ready to respond to my every whim. Treats for me please!

Just a few more days until Christmouse. Mum got the tree up from the dungeon over the weekend and put the lights and decorations on it. Mum also made up the last couple of batches of peanut brittle, that will be taken to work for them beans to eat.Here I am checking out our little tree. Mum put a few ornyments on it today. So we is all set except for the prezzies that go under the tree. Mum says they won't show up until Christmouse morning.

Hope all my kittie furiends out east are doing OK in all of that snow. Whiskerconsin is ready for that kind of stuff with big machines to move it out of the way. Be safe, take it easy moving the snow, no heart attacking your beans with shoveling and all. Some day it will melt, just don't know when. This means you guys should all have white Christmouse.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They lost in the last seconds to the Steeler Guys. Mum says the defense didn't do their job in the last minute of the game.

Brett and them Vikings - Playing the Panthers on Sunday Night Feetsball, them Panther kitties are winning at the end of the third quarter. Mum will be turning off the puter and moving picture box to go to bed before the game is over. Go Panthers!

The Colts - they play back on Thursday night and won. Still unbeaten and now the only unbeaten team in pro-feetsball.

Also a shout out to the UW-Whitewater feetsball team, they won the division three college championship on Caturday. They played in Furr-ginia, and they had to delay the game by 5 hours to give time for the big snow storm to pass and get the field ready to play.


  1. We got our tree up yesterday and Mom may get the Santas out today. Happy Chrismouse to you and your family ~Socks

  2. Yeah this devilish white christmouse....makes my place cold...makes me not want to go outside..but for some reason mom loves it and thats entertainment enough for me

  3. Looks like you are checking everything out at your place... I can't wait until I get all that stuff under the tree. I am sure it is all ham for ME.

  4. That's a very sweet little tree, Derby. We haven't got enough snow yet--or so mama says.

  5. That's a nice tree to nap by.
    It's funny the was people keep moving it from one place to another.

  6. That's a very nice tree. Bet you can't wait for all those presents.

  7. That is a very pretty tree you have Derby.

    We saw the end of the Pack game - I couldn't believe that touchdown - literally in the last 3 seconds. Sorry your guys lost.

  8. I like that your mommy is your vassal. My mommy says the woman who believes that about her place is doofy. I think all humans are put in place to serve us!

    We had a sad feetsball weekend. We lost Chris Henry and the Bengals lost too. sad

  9. PS that is a pretty tree! i hope there are lotsa pressies for you under there on Friday

  10. Thats a cute tree. Wait till there are lots of presents under there.. Hugs GJ xx

  11. That is a pretty tree and you are doing a good quality check on it. Mum won't put out presents under the tree either until Christmas because we open them all.

  12. Your tree looks wonderful Derby. Enjoy all the fun!

  13. So, do you just snap your toes, nod in her direction, and she automatically knows what you want?!

  14. We don't have a tree. Dad says I can't be trusted. I'm not sure why!

  15. I like your tree, Derby! It's all decked out an' ready for ChristMAUS!

    Too bad 'bout your feetsball team ... Mine won again!

    Happy holidays to everyone in Whiskerconson!


  16. Your tree is very lovely Derby. Our Mom decorated last week so it's very Christmassy at home.

    Feetsball has not been very much fun for us this season because the Deadskins, er I mean the Redskins are really bad.


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