
Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Beds

I sleep where ever I want. Mum's bed, the couch, the guest bed, but I do have my own spots that I don't have to share.
Here is my firsted and original bed. It was the only one I had when I first got here. It is in the front room where mum hangs out the most when she is home. We can see the moving picture box from here, or listen to the music.
Yes it is a tight fit, but I like it. I can be all snuggled in in just fine.
Then I have this great big pod that mum won a couple of years ago. At first she had it in the front room, practically next to my firsted bed. Then she moved it back by the big windows that go to the floor. I love the fleecey to lay on, you can see my Gizzy, but lots of time I move it over so I can lay on the fleece.

Then on the other side of the big windows that go to the floor, I have this big pillow than mum made for me. So I have two beds by the big windows with different angles so I can see all directions to see the birdies and the squirrels.

Sometimes I sit right in front of the pillow, specially if I want to see what is outside. On this day I had doves outside, so I wanted closer. You can see another shot of me the other day looking at the doves.
Then my last bed is like my first one, just a simple cuddle ring, next to mum's bed. I don't use it often, since I usually just jump up on the bed and sleep with mum. But this past Sunday when mum woke up I was doing the meatloaf keeping my paws warm, waiting for her to get up and feed me. Then on Monday morning I was there again. Tuesday I didn't use it at all.

So many beds, I just rotate around, depending on my mood.


  1. You have lots of comfy cozy places to sleep!

  2. Hey! I like your style! I have my lounger, my rocking chair, my pawstool, my bed, and lots of blankies. Isn't it fun to have so many choices?

  3. Oh thats a lot of neato beds. Maybe you should add a couple more to that collection and dad....

  4. It's good to have choices when you want a place to've got a couple of good ones!

  5. It is important to have many beds to suit your mood. I have two beds just for me and then a blanket pile in the closet and one that has been on the bed forever (because my people are slobs!) which I quite like...

  6. Derby, you have so many beds!! But we agree, mom's bed is the best!


    Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom

  7. There is value fer a bed what ya can barey fit it. It's cosy. comfy, an it is allus good ta feel edges around ya!

  8. You are lucky to have so many beds. Our favourite beds are the recliners the Beans bought for themselves. Sometimes we have to share with them which doesn't please us.

  9. wow. we haf 2 ham-micks, but the mom is our bed most of the time

  10. Well Derby, I'd say you certainly aren't lacking in comfort!!


  11. We sleep in certain laces depending on our moods, too! We especially like it when the sun is streaming in the front windows because we lie in the middle of the room and make mama step over us! Ha!

  12. We sleep in certain laces depending on our moods, too! We especially like it when the sun is streaming in the front windows because we lie in the middle of the room and make mama step over us! Ha!

  13. Wow you have a bunch of really awesome beds Derby! That is great that you have a variety to pick from.

  14. We are the same way Derby!
    Shaggy really likes his green circle bed, but Scooby & I prefer our snuggles that we got from Timmy's grammie and Sophia's mom. -Scout

  15. I won't sleep on any special made cat beds. You have lots of great spots to snooze in Derby.

  16. Wow! You have so many choices! Maybe we should put new beds on our Chrissy Mouse list:)

  17. You have so many comfy beds. You are so lucky.

  18. That is a lot of beds just for you, Derby! I got your Christmas card today, thank you very much!

  19. You are very lucky to have so many comfy places to nap. It looks like your mom definitely understands that a kitty needs many beds. We have lots of beds too. Some are better for warm weather, some for cool weather, some for TV watching, some for birdie watching, etc.

  20. I think you are the king of the beds! They all look so comfy and are in the nicest of places so you can keep up with what is going on at your house. If you want to try a new bed out head over to my place where I am relaxing in a big king size bed, there is room for plenty.

  21. You have some bery nice Beds, Derby!

    Me, my world is my bed. I can sleep anywhere, anytime on anything.

    (Glogirly's cat)

  22. Variety is da spice of life dey say. Since we all like to take owr naps it am good to haf so many places to choose from as da day turns.

  23. We have several beds too! But our main "bed" that is near windows to peek out of, is the cat tree!!!!!

  24. Lucky you, so many great spots to sleep in! I don't really sleep in cat beds, except if they're really fleecy. Those are nice to cuddle up to! I usually just enjoy a human bed.



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