
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallo Weenie

Mum went shopping and found us another Halloween kittie, Black Witch Kittie. Sings a new song!

You can go back to last year to see our Black Majic Kittie.

Here is a link to our HalloWeenie card. (we got the link fixed ). Hope you like it, our Uncle Stormie sent it to us.

We will be hiding this evening while mum hands out candy to little sticky people, who will get stickier with the candy.

Everyone be safe today.


  1. I love your new Halloween kitty. Happy Halloween!

  2. Happy Halloween! We hope yoor day is full of treats!

  3. MOL! What a great Halloween Kitty!

    Have a greta Halloween!

  4. We're hiding out tonight too! We don't like all the noise on our front porch. Happy Halloween!

  5. Happy Halloween! We'll be under the bed, hiding. except for The Baby who will be trying to get Out! She might get locked up again...heh heh.

  6. oooooooo, that Halloween Card that Uncle Stormie sent is SPOOKY good! Happy Halloween!

  7. We're with you on the hiding thing!

  8. OMG! It's scary! Kill it! Kill it!

    And then have a Happy Halloween!

  9. Happy Halloween, sweet boys...Cute Halloween kitty, but of course, you guys are much cuter :)!!...Hope you both got lots of treats today!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.