
Thursday, October 28, 2010

KIsses, Cuddles, Kisses

We had a huge windstorm here for the past couple of days. Nothing happened here, other than leaves blowing around. All of the trees are OK and didn't lose any branches or limbs. Nothing of our blew away.

So we have just been hanging out together, mum, Ducky and me. Otherwise things are pretty much as usual lately.

Mum has the baseyball game on, but just for background noise. I think it is time for her to read us more of Dewey's new book. It has nine stories about cats and their beans, with some extra Dewey stories.

Weekend is almost here. We have a few parties to hit. BillySweetFeets is having a dance party Friday and Gracie is having a Halloween bash on Sunday. Hope to see you there, should be a good weekend.


  1. How come other kitties can hang out, sleep together and groom each other and peace reigns, but at our house it's always a prelude to a battle?

  2. We gotta windstorm goin on RIGHT NOW. The winders is open, so there are papers all over the place. We are having a BLAST!

  3. Awwww...... so very sweet!! :)

    We hope the weather will be better over the weekend and you guys can have some fun!!

    Have a great weekend my friends!

    Love, Lucky & Co.

  4. I am so admiring you two.
    So close to each other.
    I don't know when it will happened to me and Lego.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Hey, that looks like us! MOL! WE are so glad that the wind died down--that was scary stuff!

  6. Hope you handsome boys have a fun weekend=we will see you at Billy's party!...Kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
    PS...Tuesday's post was dedicated to you, Derby!

  7. What a sweet video. We're glad that the storms and winds weren't too bad.

  8. We think you boys were meant for each other. Your Mum must love watching you play and hanging out together. We do!

  9. Your grooming videos are always so relaxing to watch.
    Does the "lick lick lick" ever turn into "lick lick bite" like it does at our house??
    The windstorm was terrible! We were all pretty restless when it was happening. We had a lot of trees in the neighborhood go down during a couple big wind storms this last July, if not for that the damage from this storm would have been terrible. Mostly small branches this time.

  10. You two iz such good friends and good groomers...Have you ever considered going into the Feline Esthetics business with the "grooming skills" you two have?Now, you may be thinking that mostly girl cats work in the field, but this may be a "niche" market for ya...PS: Thanks for visiting me the other day.

  11. Yoo two are so cute together ~ have a great halloween weekend.

  12. For some reason, the video won't play but I can see from the still picture that you two were having a good snuggle! Hope you have a very Happy Halloween, with lots of really good treats!

  13. Okay. I came back again and this time your little movie worked for me! You two are very sweet together. The Human says that when she had two big mancats before, this kind of "affection" always led to a big blowout wrasslin match!


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