
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Caturday Farewell

One of our good furiends has decided it is time to head for The Bridge. Fond farewell to you Mickey, we will meet again some day.

Kinda quiet for a Caturday at home. Mum is just doing a few quick things, ran around with the sucking monster after she took the extra litter box back to the dungeon. Dang, we like having the box in her bathroom. But she doesn't like the grit on the floor!

We are seeing more spring birds today in our yard, even with the snow on the ground. One robin, two red-winged black birds and five grackels. It is cloudy, windy and melty today. Mum says not nice enough for open windows but maybe sometime this coming week. Whoohoo to that.


  1. We are very sad about Mickey. Have a peaceful weekend, all.

  2. The litter box back to the dungeon ... we guess that means Ducky is fully recovered.

    Have a good weekend watching the birds.

  3. Aching Heart for me too. Sorry, couldn't say much words to you.

  4. We is a sad about Mickey too. I hope that I get to have eighteen furry happy years too like he did, and then go peacefully to the Bridge to wait for all my kitteh friends and Human too. Me and The Human think we will all be together with Ceiling Cat one day!

    I am THRILLED to see that you are soooooo much better, Ducky! You really gave your Human a big scare. You look all back to yourself now! Stay that way, okay?

  5. We were very sad when we heard the news about Mickey too.

  6. Purrs for Mickey, and his fambly.

    We hope yoo had a great weekend.

  7. We, too, are sad about Mickey running off to the Bridge. We are purring and praying for his family.

    Thank you for your kind words when our Maggie had to go to the Bridge. They meant so much to us, and we are grateful for you.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.