
Monday, March 14, 2011

ManCat Monday

Cats are amazingly agile - they like to sidestep humans on the stairs and smirk as they hurtle headlong. - Author Unknown

Awefully quiet here today. Mum got out her bags and packed all sorts of stuff and took off yesterday afternoon. She doesn't normally leave us for long, and we have lots of food and water out. So we should be OK. But hey, is she skipping out on day hunting? It's Monday!
The runt is really feeling better. Yesterday morning he jumped up on top of the corner cupboard like he did here. Then he walked along the window valance too. He did this while mum was still here. When he jumped down he jumped and land on the puter printer. Mum was not happy about that.
Me, I was spending my time in the front windows toasting myself in the off and on sunspots. When one side got warm.
I flipped to get the other side all toasty too.

Yes, the runt and I do get along, at least some of the time. At least we try to make it look good for mum at least occasionally!
Hmmm, since mum isn't here, everyone is welcome to come over. HOUSE TRASHING PARTY starts now!


  1. Coming over now for the Pawty, boys!

  2. We're glad "the runt" is feeling better!

    We're heading over for the house trashing, we love those!

    -Nicki and Derry

  3. We're glad Ducky is feeling better. Why don't we have window supports to toast ourselves on?

  4. House trashing on a Monday!! That starts the week off right! Whoo Hoo!

  5. Oh sounds like a fun party! Where is your mum off to?

  6. I will send over the guys to help with the house trashing. Junior is becoming an expert!

  7. Ought-oh! Mom's away, kitties will play!

  8. I am always up for a house trashing party!

  9. On the way I love a trashing party..Keep me a sun spot.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. We are glad Ducky is feeling better and you are getting along again. We will be over for the house trashing party.

  11. a house trashing party!!!
    Love it ! I'm on the way !!!

    PS : your human is going to scream when they come back..HA!

  12. Awright!! We love a good house-trashing!!

  13. Let's celebrate Ducky's feeling better too!

  14. We're so glad that Ducky is feeling better! Sorry we missed the house trashing party, though.

  15. Oh no, we missed the trashing!

  16. We were wondering if maybe you used to be a WHITE kitty, and the color you are now is really a sun tan from sitting in the window! ;)

    P.S. Today is the last day to enter and pick your prizes for our raffle to raise money for Apollo!

  17. So glad to hear Ducky is feeling better. Even if we could get some of those window supports we really don't have any sunny windows to put it on. The good windows are all facing north. Hey, we'll be there for the trashing party.

    Casper, Cleo and Patches


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.