Friday, April 29, 2011
Remembrance Weekend

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Garden Thursday

Mother Nature is keeping us cool this year, so some of our plants are taking their own sweet time getting to look pretty.
We will be joining our UK pals Alfie and Milo for their Royal wedding street party. Hope to see you there. Mum says she will not be getting up early to watch. She will check the highlights later in the day.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Farewell Sweet Lady
Mini ManCat Monday
Hiya, Ducky here. Hope everyone had a good Easter! We did, we got extra nibbles fish on Friday, steak from the grill, ham on Sunday for Easter dinner. It was really nommy.
Alfie and Milo wanted to know what yak was. Derby does it all the time and he did it good on Caturday evening. Yak'd up on mum's rug in the bathroom, so she had extra laundry to do! So much for taking it easy on Sunday.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hoppy Easter
Walk softly and carry a big carrot
Everyone needs a friend who is all ears
There's no such thing as too much candy
All work and no play can make you a basket case
A cute little tail attracts a lot of attention
Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day
Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits
Some body parts should be floppy
Keep your paws off other people's jellybeans
Good things come in small sugarcoated packages
The grass is always greener in someone else's basket
An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare
To show your true colors you have to come out of your shell
The best things in life are still sweet and gooey
P. S. We now have our own Easter Bunny. Mum says it belonged to her mum. The eggs are as about as old as mum is.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Garden Thursday
Does this let us join the Society of Feline Gardeners? I hope so!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Mother Nature &^%$#^
Monday, April 18, 2011
ManCat Monday
You better believe the above, the power of purrs. They are good for you.
It is Monday again. Mum will be off to day hunt as usual, hopefully all unstressed since we purr on her so much. Ducky and I can nap the day away.
Our snow didn't last long on Caturday, and was melted by later in the day. Sunday it was sunny but furry windy and not really warm. Mum stayed inside with us, we napped, watch some of the crash car race. Mum readed her book and cooked some later in the day. The weather guesser says we may get snow overnight. Bah!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Snow Fooling
Since it so icky out, mum cleaned the house, then went through Grampie's stuff and was counting stuff for inventory for Uncle Flip so he can do the estate. Now she can read her book for a while. We on the other paw have better things to do.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sitting in the Window
Sitting in the window watching all the fevvers fly by
Sitting in the window watching all the fevvers fly by
Brother you don't know a nicer occupation
Matter of fact, neither do I
Than Sitting in the window watching all the fevvers
Watching all the fevvers, watching all the fevvers go by
I'm the cat that got the cream
Haven't got a bird but I can dream
Haven't got a bird but I can wish
So I'll take me down to Mainstreet
And that's where I select my imaginary dish
Sitting in the window watching all the fevvers go by
Sitting in the window giving all the fevvers the eye
Brother if you've got a rich imagination
Give it a whirl, give it a try
Try Sitting in the window watching all the fevvers
Watching all the fevvers, watching all the fevvers go by
Saturday and I'm so broke
Haven't got a bird and no joke
Still I'm living like a millionaire
When I take me down to Mainstreet
When I take me down to Mainstreet
And I review the harem
Parading for me there
Sitting in the window
Watching all the fevvers go by
Sitting in the window
Underneath the springtime sky
Brother, you can't go to jail
For what you're thinking
Or for the woo look in your eye
You're only Sitting in the window
Watching all the fevvers
Watching all the fevvers
Watching all the fevvers
Go by
Monday, April 11, 2011
ManCat Monday
Since we kitties are nature's beauty, we know all about decorating the house. We can give you lots and lots of tips. So today, for our buddy Alfie, we are joining in Shabby Chic Day.

Here you can see Ducky hard at work getting the rugs, just so. Fun to play with, tunnel under, and just right for us. This is much better and as soon as mum makes them boring, we go right back to making them fun.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Warm Temps, Open Windows

Friday, April 8, 2011
Happy Weekend
All of the old birdy food, sunflower seeds got scooped up. Then mum came in and scooped our boxes out too. Guess she was in a scooping mood.
The terminator came to visit on Thursday, we all heard something running in the walls or attic. The guy didn't find anything big, most likely mousies looking for a place to have their babies.
Oh, and it is supposed to get all nice and warm by Sunday. That means open windows!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Higher and Higher
Another place to be up high! hehe.
I freaked mum out this morning. She was sitting on the human litter box when up I jumped. She finished her bizness and went to get the movie machine to get me in action. But she didn't let me stay there. She can reach me here and she brought me down. Said the box on the wall is not meant for kitties to jump and sit on.
Monday, April 4, 2011
ManCat Monday
You can see big changes on our blog. Mum got a picture that fits just nicely in the header with both of us in it. Took her a year to do this. Plus last weekend she went through our links to other blogs. If kitties hadn't posted in over 9 months or so, we removed the links.
But then now we have been meeting new furiends and comrades who have joined in our fun community. We just wish we had more time to visit.
On Sunday, she slept in, yes really slept in. Then while reading her newsy paper decided to get to the arty museum to see them do stuff in flowers. Mimic the art or colors in the art. Mum says most were a bit much, too over the top. Here is a simple one that looked nice.