Is there anything quite as expressive as a cat's tail? Kinked or straight it tells the story of a hundred moods. - Author Unknown
We have good tales to tell of our tails. If your beans pay attention they can tell you how we are feeling!

Both of us eating at the same time and you can see how much Derby is than I am, but I am not scared of him.

Derby invading mums place for her cooking stuff. Derby said he was smelling for mousies! They used to sneak into the spot above this place all the time. Mum was not happy about that but lately our pest man has been keeping them outside which mum likes.

Derby's tail from way back when at a time he wasn't happy with mum. So he was hiding and you could just his tail. You can see the whole series of pictures
Me with my tail all poofy! I wasn't happy about something. I think that was when the pest guy was checking out our roof and attic.

Me just hanging out in the kitchen windows waiting for birdies to fly by.
Feetsball ReportYes feetsball fans, the season has started.
Packers - started out well for us Packer fans. As fitting they started out the season last Thursday, defending Stouper Bowl Champs and beat them Saints guys. Purrfect season, at least so far.
Grampa Bret, well for the first time in recent history the season has started without him. Guess he will have to stay home and play with his grand-kid and mow his lawn.
The Colts - mum's favorite other conference team, though she mainly liked them for Peyton M and he won't be playing anytime soon.