
Friday, August 24, 2012

Caterday Eve

HiYa, Ducky here. Just chillin' out tonight. It has been agood week for me. My sweetie Dora teleported over to visit. Her bean abandoned her and took her to kittie jail. So rather than have her sit in kittie jail, she came to see me.
You may not be able to see her here, but she is right behind me. Yes, Dora, we do make a good couple. Don't worry, mum and the flashy box won't pick you up.
So we have been playing lots together, even with Derby. Mum sort of knows something is up, our crunchies are disappearing faster, more output in our boxes and I haven't been sleeping with her in the sleepy spot this week.

So Derby and I are napping and getting all rested up again.
Come visit again real soon my sweetie Dora.


  1. it's always fun to haf furriends ofur

  2. How nice that Dora came to visit!

    pee ess....we saw her! ;)

  3. I hope that you have a great time during her visit!

  4. What a sneaky one to put past your Mom! That sounds like fun, though. Enjoy! Happy weekend. xoxo

  5. How exciting that Dora came to visit. have a wonderful weekend :)xx

  6. That was nice to have Dora over for a visit. Don't worry about your mum suspecting. They always think something is happening even when it's not.

  7. So happy Dora was able to sneak away and visit with you!

  8. Hey Boys, Just wanted to say thanks for coming by the other day to cheer me in my afflictions. I *am* recovering, no thanks to that faithless Human who hauled me off without so much as a by-your-leave! Glad to hear you had fun wif your LadyCat visitor!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.