
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Garden Thursday


Hello, Virginger here and welcome to Garden Thursday. Today we are going far away for a look at where mum was two weekends ago.  She and Uncle Flip stopped by the place where their grandparents are buried. Mum says it is a really pretty place in the spring with lots of flowering trees.

But for us garden people, what is this sign about not putting out live plants to liven up a dead place?! Mum's family has a bit of a rebel side to them, they planted some peonies anyway! So there. They seem to be doing just fine.
In other news, we have had more rain so the grass is growing again. Mum has had to get out the grass eating Monster a couple of weeks ago and is ready to push it around again.

Above is the current drought map. Back when I posted the report on July 26 our part of the state was in the red or extreme drought. Now we are back in the orangey shade or back to severe drought. Not everything is bouncing back. The people next door, their back yard gets sun all day long, it is still looking sad and the grass isn't growing.

Hots are coming back for the weekend, but won't last long. Plus, goodness the days are getting shorter, it gets darker earlier now.

That is it for now. Love, Virginger.


  1. We had an 1/8th inch of rain and it seemed like a BIG DEAL!

  2. That is really nice about the peonies. We will purr for your drought to get less. Goshc, it has been a strange summer.

  3. Our monsoons are mostly in ARIDZONA this year! But we have gotten cloud cover in the past week and it's been coolish, which is wonderful. We figure it won't last, though. :-(

    It's good you've gotten some rain at last.

  4. We got more rain lately too. Finally, our grass is green again!

  5. We are glad you had some much needed rain at last.

  6. Virginger you have a very lovely garden its good to see that some of the HOTs and Dry that caused the drought is easing

  7. I enjoyed your garden! We have had lots of rain lately, but our weeds are happy!

  8. Mom would like to put some live plants like perennials or some such around the monument in the family plot where grandpa & her sister Carol are buried. Lots of people have done that but not living in town upkeep is too hard. She takes silk flowers for the attached vase each time she goes and on the trip last month she took a pretty stepping stone with the Ecclesiastes verse to prop up against it. "To every time there is a season..."

  9. It is even dry up here in Canada. Odd summer for sure!

    Hope it cools off soon for you guys!


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