
Saturday, August 10, 2013


Happy Caturday one and all. Beauty-ous day here. Mum has the windows open and we are enjoying the gentle breezes. Watching fevvers and lots of people on bicycles go by on the path. Mum says there is a charity bike ride in the area this AM.
Derby helping mum drink her vitamin C ration for the morning. Her icky cold sniffling is hanging on. Some day she will be all better and we hope soon.

Ducky sitting on mum to give her some healing purrs this AM. Maybe we can help those icky bugs finally leave her body!

But mum can't just sit and rest. She has to clean again as we did our best to re-fur the house. Plus she has a few yak spots to clean up after Derby. Oh and we do have one shot of the aftermath of last Sunday's explosion.

The rug that sits in front of the big cold box. Mum will be washing it later.
 Plus we said farewell to another good blogging furiend. China Cat. Have fun at The Bridge.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy.


  1. Derby, leave some vitamin C for your mom! We hope she gets to feeling all better soon. Summer colds are the worst.

  2. We hope your mum soon feels better. Those summer colds seem to hang on forever.
    I just went back to see what the big explosion was. Did your mum say words from the Bad Werd List? I am sure my mum would have.

  3. We are having beautiful weather here too. Lots of window whiffing! Enjoy yours! And we hope your mum kicks those bugs out of her!

  4. I hope your human feels better soon - my human was sick but the runny nose and cough wouldn't go away and she finally had to have antibiotics to get rid of it! And that is even though she takes two BIG vitamin C pills a day.

  5. We hope your Mom gets better quick, fast, and in a hurry!

    You kittehz have a super Easy Sunday. XOXO

  6. All paws crossed that your Mom is all better soon!

    The Chans

  7. Your poor Mum...leave some vitamin C juice for her!


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