
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger. First, which has nothing directly to do with the garden, it is World Cat Day. Everyday is our day! Isn't it?

 On to the garden with these neat little pods on plants outside of our kitchen window. They get these flowers on them and then......
The flowers turn into these little pods. Mum thinks they are called Chinese Lantern plants. But before they turn color the the fall, something comes and eats all the plants. But they show up every year. This year lots and lots of them.
 Here are the seed pods that formed on the yucca plant. I guess we could see if we can get seeds and grow a new plant.
 A bumblee bee visiting the ornamental thistle, getting good juices to eat.
 The crabby apple tree with lots of little crabby apples on it. Mum says she thinks the tree has as much little apples on it as she has ever seen.
They don't get any bigger and they are about pea size. Mum just leaves them on the tree for the fevvers to eat.
 That is all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Love, Virginger


  1. Happy World Cat Day! Your garden is looking beautiful!

  2. Those lanterns look like they'd be fun to bite on!

  3. virginger...all thoze apples meens onlee one thing

    time for pie !!!

    happee werld cat day D & D :)

  4. Happy World Cat Day to you too.
    The Chinese Lantern pods look cool. I wonder what eats them though.

  5. Your garden is lovely!
    Happy WCD!!

  6. We did enjoy the tour! Happy World Cat Day!

  7. That was an eggscellent Garden Tour! And Virginer is the purrfect hostess. We hope you boys had a relaxing World cat Day!

  8. Wow, you sure have cool flowers! Those chinese lanterns are neat...


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