
Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Do you love your beans? Do you show it? We found this on LOL Cats and we think it fits.

Derby shows numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10

Ducky shows numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9

So how do you show your love? Do you have other ones you do to show your love? 


  1. we does efurryfing but number 10. we does love our the mom

  2. I do about three or four of them. The cat before me did them all.

  3. Yoo HOOO??? over here in, me...Savannah...I show my love for Mom AND Dad by coming to them at all hours of day and night and MEOWING so they know I need them to give me some works every single time

  4. I try to bite my humans once a day. I do more of these for Pop than TW.

  5. OMC, we somehow lost you from our reader when we switched over to Feedly and just re-found you!

    What a great list. Our favorite things to do to show affection: Ashton head-butts the head peep and talks for affection. Pierre sits on her shoulder. And Newton.... well, Newton has recently started try to become intimate with her arm. That kind of affection isn't always appreciated so much.

  6. Why isn't constantly begging for food on the list????

  7. Among the five of us we do all but number 10. I snuggle my head into her armpit.


  8. Me and Ernie do all of those 'cept #10. Zoey doesn't do much of any of them. We know she doesn't love the mom as much as we do. But she's learning.

  9. Yeah, we do all 'cept #10, too. We really love Mom & Dad at lot!

  10. 2, sometimes 4, 8, rarely 9. Eh, I am who I am. She just has to deal with it.

  11. We are almost embarassed to say, but among us 3, we do all 10. And each of us is at least 8 of the ten indivdually.

  12. I love to wake her up at 5.30am and I do follow her around the house when she is home, and do some of the numbers. The cat before me was good at kneading, and kissing mums hair and talking to her. We just love her, in our own way.

  13. Sounds like you boys have that list covered :)
    We do too.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.