
Monday, August 5, 2013

ManCat Monday

A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Ernest Hemingway

 THis is us, Ducky getting some ice cream, Derby glomming himself to mum while she reads.

Mum didn't get her cleaning completely done. Cuz she had to stop and clean up a HUGE mess she made in the kitchen. Seems she put a bottle of what she thought was just flavored water in the freezer to make it all cold. Then went to use the grass cutting monster for an hour.

Then she came in to get her cold drink. When she went to take the top off the bottle, it got all fizzy and 'sploded on her! Pink water all over the place. On her, the floor, the big cold box, the counter and YES, the ceiling! Sorry no pictures, she quick got stuff to start cleaning the sticky mess up. However, in spite of washing the ceiling it still looks a bit pinkish in a few places. MOL. We just sat and watched her work.

She may need to re=clean the floor, feels a bit sticky and more work on the ceiling.

We hope your week goes better than the way mum's has started.


  1. Did either of you kitties get to watch the explosion? I bet it was pretty funny!

  2. We hope that none of you got caught in the drink explosion! We had a dropped cup here last year that did something similar, only instead of the ceiling, it was the walls into into the next room and Pierre, too. He says that cats do not belong in the path of projectile beverages.

  3. Oh my, THAT doesn't sound very relaxing for your mum!

  4. mom is trying not to snicker cause we had some red spots on the cabinets in the kitchen when she pulled a similar manuever :)

    mmmmm - ice cream.....

  5. doods...nothin wrong witha pink ceiling coz itz kinda like salmon !!

  6. Oh, we hate that when it happens! Well, at least our Mom and Dad does. All that required clean up soopervising takes away from our all important naps! MOL! Purrs...

  7. I can just hear you guys walking across that floor...snnith, snnack,snnith, paw sticking to floor at a time...woo hoo! paw pats, Savannah

  8. Too bad you two didn't have a flashy box handy so you could take pictures of that explosion! Though we bet your mum wouldn't like that much.

  9. Poor pink Mom! I hope the all clean is there soon. ICE CREAM - YUM!!!

  10. Jan had a 2 litre bottle of red soda explode from floor to ceiling years ago. It's no fun to clean up!

  11. ugh, I can't imagine the mess.. I bet she'll be finding spots for days..


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