
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Caturday - Ding, Dong, the sucking monster is deaded!

Hooray! The sucking monster died! Mum didn't get all the way through cleaning today, she noticed that the monster wasn't picking up the furs and stuff we laid down. She took it apart looking for a plug, but didn't find anything!

Bad news, is that she is checking out new ones. We say, just skip it. Heck you know the minute you finish, we go back and put more down. So why bother!


  1. You KILLED it!?!?!

    What's the secret...many many many many kitties want to know!

  2. When our sucky monster died, mum got a new one that was more ferocious than the old one, so you may not want to celebrate too quick.

  3. Our sucky monster died a few months ago too. Right now Mom is using a spare one of Angel's. We can't wait for Mom to get a new one because Angel's is so LOUD!

  4. Sadly, my human found it in the house budget several years ago to hire a twice-monthly housekeeping service - and their vacuums NEVER seem to break down!

  5. Did you guys have something to do with it?? ;)

  6. My Human has kinda 'dopted that attitude you describe--I haven't seen the sucky monster in WEEKS. Anyd my furz is BLACK. Luckily, my Human is lazy!

  7. oh MOWZERS, not a NEW one! And after you guys went to all that trubble to break the old one (uhm, we shouldn't have mentioned that, should we...)

  8. Lucky kittehz! Enjoy your quiet time, for we fear a new sucky monster is on your horizon...

  9. Not ta be annoying, but (as we best unnerstand this) it is usually the bag inside...

    Fergive us iffen we is wrong.

  10. Do you have anything to do with the deaded sucking monster?

  11. Hope she doesn't get a new one real soon so you can have some suck-monster-free time!!

  12. That is good news to be thankful for this week!


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