
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger.

Mum has been working hard or maybe hardly working this past weekend. She got out and clean the leaves from the rain gutters. Like the boys said, she used the scoop from the litter box. Creative lady mum is.

She is even more creative with her hots measuring thing. Seems you have to keep it away from the wet, so can't just sit anywhere outside. With the patio cover gone, she had to figure out where to go with it.

Then she can sit on the couch and see how hot or cold it is outside. So what to do? She amembered that she had a hummer feeder that she didn't use this year AND it had a big opening to put things inside.

So mum popped it inside the feeder and put the top back on. It was more than roomy enough for the sensor.
The she hung it on the fence in a corner where it shouldn't be in the way. And probably in a spot where the hummers won't be looking for food next year when they come back. Obviously she did this before all the leafs fell off the bushes!

Mum still has stuff to do outside. Gotta finish getting the leaves off the grass and then use the grass eating monster one last time.

One week from today. THANKSGIVING!

Thanks for stopping by, Love, Virginger.


  1. the mom looked out the other morning and said that any birds that were out would be silly 'acause they would turn into birsicles. that sounds tasty to us

  2. Oh yeah... my peep has a tonne of stuff to do in the garden before snow falls. Gonna have to shove her out the door today to get some of that stuff done.


  3. Your mom is very clever! Our mom is lucky when it comes to the leaves falling off the trees. She just waits for the wind to blow them off our balcony. MOL!

  4. virginger....that de best uze oh a BURD feeder we haz hurd bout yet....veree wise....N de best part iz therz knot a burd in site !!!

  5. That is a good idea for the thermometer. My mum has been brushing up leaves again. She saves them to make mulch for next winter.

  6. Wow, that was a smart thing for your mum to do. :)

  7. I just finished reading your article, and really enjoyed it, thank you. You can see some fun cat books at where you can also hear the cat stories for the same price as a paperback book, and they are fun to listen to.

  8. Hooray, the birds will be very happy!

  9. How ingenious, for a human that is. Did I see a FURminator? I love mine.


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