
Saturday, November 9, 2013


Happy weekend one and all. Ours is windy as we watch the leaves blow off the tree and around the yard. We have mum outside working on getting the plants all cut down and carted off. Mum is happy that soon all of the outside work will be done.

Then she has inside work since she has to work on getting the dungeon back in order, but she made a good start the other day. She took the day off from day hunting and started to organize things again. She even tossed some stuff out, even one of our old litter boxes.

Plus we have to cellybrate duckies this week. Seems the rubber ducks have been put into the toy hall of fame. 
So at least Ducky is pleased that the ducks got some extra press.


  1. It is windy here too and we have rain as well. Mum has lots of outside work she needs to catch up with but it rains nearly all the time. I helped her sort out one of her storage cupboards today and nearly got shut in.

  2. At least the two of you can keep each other warm with this windy weather. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. We've been watching the leaves blow around too. They really have been putting on a good show. Happy Caturday!

  4. Looks like fun watching the duckies. Do you smack them?

  5. How cool you have some rubber ducky kitties.

  6. Ooo your duckies float a bit better than mine, you must rule them with an iron paw...

  7. Tell Mom not to work too hard, after all it is Easy Sunday! XOXO

  8. Such cute Duckies!!! And Ducky!!

    Happy EZ weekend!!!

  9. hey cool site keep up the good work love the cat pics you also have :)

  10. LOL, you two and your duckies are the cutest!

  11. Wheeee! LOVE seeing the duckies! Purrs...

  12. My name is Joy Green and I'm an artist. My favorite thing to paint is cats. I paint colorful whimsical pet portraits as well. I love your blog and am interested in showing my work on it. Any orders or sales that would result I would pay you 25% of the price. (My prices are low and start at $95.) I work from a picture and would deal directly with the client through email. Check out my website:


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.