
Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day on ManCat Monday

We are saluting all of the men and women who currently serve or have served our nation by being in the armed forces. They protect our freedoms and we are so thankful that they do.

Mum did take it much easier on Sunday. Mostly doing the laundry and foods shopping and watching the moving picture box. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Well another game, another QB down with an injury. So they had the third string QB playing, but we is familiar with him. Scott Tolzien used to play for Bucky Badger! Mum didn't do much cheering or yelling at the box, she didn't expect them to play well.

The Broncos- Mr Peyton did his usual good job leading the Bronco's to a win in Sandy Eggo. Next week they play KC the only team that still hasn't lost this season and just a game ahead of the Bronco's in the standings.


  1. We are also remembering those who have served our countries.

  2. We are purring for all the Veterans,
    and all they have done for us.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  3. We thank all the veterans for what they have done to keep us free. :)

  4. Happy Veteran's Day, Boys! We are purring for all the vets.

    The Niners got walloped yesterday, though we don't care so much because we loves the Baseball and besides those traitorous Niners are moving to Santa Clara after this year anyway. Boo, hisssssssss.

  5. We is thankful for all the veterans, too.

    My hometeam, the Colts beat the Broncos. I was very pleased about that. I don't mind if the Broncos beat anyone else...just not the Colts, lol. And I have to keep that to myself because I live in CO now, haha.

  6. purrs for all the vets who are suffering. and thanks to all those who served.


  7. You 2 take such good care of Mum! And what troopers you are putting up with all that footballs stuff.


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