
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Garden Thursday


Mum discovered that this didn't publish when it should have!

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. I had a week off since there was nothing much to report, plus we wanted to keep up our post for GJ.

Mum is slowly getting stuff done outside. She still has to get rid of the leaves, but they are finally almost all down off the tree. Mum says this weekend she will be working on them.

However, we had a bit of a surprize on Monday, it sort of rain/snowed and got furry cold. So this is what it looked like the next morning.

Plus you can see they put back the front railing a few days before and mum says they will be by to pick up the final payment. 

I have come inside for the winter. It is too cold out even for me.

That is all for Garden Thursday. Love, Virginger


  1. I'm glad to see you indoors, dear. A girl could freeze her important parts off out there!

  2. Pretty soon we're going to have LOTS of that white stuff!
    ; ) Katie

  3. We're glad you're inside now, Virginger. It's getting nippy out there...and we don't mean catnip!

  4. Brrrrr, come and see us for some tropical hot!

  5. That's terrible, Virginger! Stay indoors where it's cozy...and next to those handsome ManCats!

  6. Brrrr! Tell Mom she shouldn't have to pick up leaves with snow on them!

  7. virginger...everee thingz like a day behind anda sack oh friez short round heer...

    N we had sum due knot let it snow all reddy ...snow two...grate eye dea ta call it a seezon N stay in til spring !!!

    meowloz D & D !! enjoy de week oh end !~~

  8. I am glad you are indoors where it is nice and warm Virginger.

  9. It got real cold here too the past few nights! An TBT says we can espect that few a few Big Moons to come.


  10. It was good of your mum to bring you indoors. I'm glad that the work on the house appears to have been finalised. I hope your mum is pleased with it all.

    Sydney, Australia


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