
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Viringer and Glimmer.

Yep mum was furry bizzy last weekend. First she took off on Caturday with Miss Lynn. This time they used mum's metal monster and weren't gone furrever. 

Mum went off to buy more plants for the yard, specifically she wanted daylillies to put in the front. Then as they grow, they hide the tulips and such as they die off. 
 Here are the two bags of stuff. She got stuff with names like South Seas, Pastel Picture, Stars Shall Fall, Royal Jester, Cherry Eyed Pumpkin and a freebie called Ruffled Memory. Mum found pictures out on the webs of the flowers, but they are copy righted, so she won't use them here.
They were all nicely labeled so you knew the name, how tall it grows and the colors too. Mum said they had over 800 different plants to choose from. They had them sorted out by color and mum was looking for peachy, melony, yellow or not really orinch orinch ones.
Instructions, well, first soak them for a few hours before plunking them in the dirt. So mum waited to plant them on Sunday.
Mum called on me to hold open the one bucket. See a new and useful thing to do with those mancats litter buckets!
Plus I needed to hold down mum's preliminary plan of where she was going to put stuff. But as she planted it wasn't working like she expected. So she moved them around.
One little guy in the ground and a few more below.

It is sort of fuzzy, but do you see the earth worm? Mum says that is a good sign that the dirt is good. Otherwise we would have no worms.
Once she had the plants all done, she got destructive and got these posts out of the ground. They were getting wobbly and all rotted at the bottom.
So good bye fake sea gull! One less fevver around, which should make The Trout Towne Tabbies happy.
Mum putted the last lily here. This one was the freebee that she got. It rained good on Monday night, so besides mum watering them, they got a good overnight soaking.
 Here are two lilies that we already have in the back. Mum does not amember what there names are. She would have to go look it up since she saves her plant information.
 Plus here is mum's drawing where things got planted, this is what she was going to work on when Derby got out and he got beer splashed on him. Mum rubbed it off, he didn't get tipsy!
Wow, lots happened this past week. Hope you enjoyed and we hope to enjoy some flowers next summer.

Love, Virginger and Glimmer.


  1. Your mum doesn't need any oringe flowers, 'cos she's got all the oringe she needs with you and the two blokes indoors.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Your mum really was bizzy! She's a Bizzy Izzy! (We have one of those.)

  3. We have scads of oringe daylilies, so I know why your momma wanted other colors. Just like the snow drops, lily-of-the-valley and such that just appear in our yard: someone else planted them a long time ago, and we now enjoy the blooms!

  4. Those lilies should make a lovely show next Spring. They sound very pretty.

  5. V & G...ewe betcha ...we iz doin de lezz burd iz mor happee nezz dance heer two day...Virginger, ya did a grate job helpin mum...we canna wait ta see de flowers next spring...they will bee rockin awesum !!!...just dont tell D & D her dinna get any orinch ones ♥ see ya next week !!

  6. Those lilies are going to look gorgeous when they all bloom!

  7. Those are gonna be some pretty flowers next year.

  8. Ob boy! We can't wait until they grow big and start blooming!

  9. We're excited to see what it's gonna look like next year! Lillies are so nice when they multiply and really fill in.


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