
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Pod

Hey everyone! Thanks for all your comments on us and our napping pod. We do like it. It is by the big windows that go to the floor, we get nice sunpuddles there except in the winter.

You said for mum to go buy another one. She can't! She didn't even buy this one. She won it at one of her racy party events years ago. Go back here and see how much other stuff she won. She made a haul on it that weekend. Even afor she got it in the house I had claimed it!

So here I am,  resting on it right after she got it and moved it to where it stays. Sometimes she takes it apart and washes it, but we fur it right back up.

Ocassionally we do share, but not furry often. We are not the nap together buddies like some cats are.
But mum does have photo proof that sometimes we do share. Or I was doing my best to squish the little runt.

But otherwise our little green beds, yeah mum has two of them We use either one as we like.
Even better, mum has a mooovie when we tried to share the same bed.



  1. We remember when you won that nice, one of a kind bed!!!
    We remember that video too....two big ginger boys trying to fit into one small bed!

  2. That is a really nice pod! And a purrfect place there to capture summer sunpuddles. Isn't that just like brothers and sisters, to horn in where they aren't wanted? At least you got a brother baff out of it. Our mom thought it was cute. Purrs...

  3. That used to happen to me too Ducky. Eric used to try and share my nap spot and end up squishing me.
    Your bed that your mum won for you looks very comfy.

  4. So that's how your pod came to live with you. Love the video too!

  5. Angel and Chucky rarely share anything, except a squabble from time to time! When they were kittens, they tried to share a bit, but as adults, they prefer napping alone, just like you two.

  6. What a bummer your human can't get another pod - 'cause you guys really deserve two!

  7. doods....we gived yur mewvie 984 paws UP !!!! grate mewvie with lotz oh actshun....N troo lee it iz nice ya shared de same bed...N purrhaps mum can finds another pod at amazon...if itz knot on amazon, itz knot for sale !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

  8. At least you got a partial bath too while trying to get the bed back, Derby!


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